I've worked in hospitals for 40 years, and I'm sad to say we're unhealthier today than ever before. Half of all Americans are uninsured.


Bell: you have a way of seeing what other doctors miss. Just take another look. That's all I'm asking you to do
Conrad: If I find out it's 3b life, you know I won't keep quiet.
Bell: I just need to know. Let's make sure nobody else dies.

Cain: You brought Hawkins back?
Logan: He signed a lucrative deal with a national sports franchise.
Cain: He's still a whistleblower.
Logan: I'm aware. Risk versus reward. I made the call.
Cain: It's insanity.
Logan: It turns out he's a rainmaker. Red Rock loves the rain.
Cain: Yeah, I'm aware. Remember who you're talking to?
Logan: Careful now, Barrett. Proceed with caution.
Cain: I should have been informed. Leaving me out of the loop about Hawkins is a sign of disrespect to the surgeon who has made more rain for you and Red Rock than anyone else.
Logan: Not as much as you used to. Your billing is heading in the wrong direction. Pair that with the expensive neuro center we're building on your behalf, by my assessment, I gotta say. You gotta hustle up.
Cain: Hustle up? What, exactly, are you implying?
Logan: Everyone has an expiration date. Everyone.

John: I wish I had gotten the worst of it and not her. I can't lose her. I just, I don't even know what my life looks like without Becky.
Conrad: I understand. But if we don't take care of you, then you can't take care of Becky, so why don't we focus on you for a minute.

Nic: You OK?
Conrad: Nic, I just want to say thank you for being there and for never doubting that I would be OK, and for helping me, helping me find my way back here.
Nic: You don't need to thank me.
Conrad: Yes, I do.
Nic: Hey, you'd do the same for me.

Kit: You will both push your side of the pelvis into each other.
Mina: How hard do we push?
Kit: It must be equal pressure.
AJ: What if one pushes harder than the other?
Kit: Then her pelvis will be misaligned from her spine. We could cut her nerve. leave her paralyzed. You must be perfectly in sync. I know I can count on you guys.
AJ: We got this.

Mina: Are you looking for your red flags?
AJ: It's early.
Mina: She's looking for your red flags.
AJ: What did you tell her?
Mina: You mean what didn't I tell her?
AJ: You know you are enjoying this a little too much.
Mina: I led with compassionate, closed with brilliant. But she would be wise to hold on and never let go. And I told her about your cats, all five of them. The woman deserves a warning.

Logan: His wife Becky just coded. They're still working on her. It's been hours why is he just getting to the tumor now.
Conrad: It's a delicate surgery. Dr. Cain is in the middle of a very complicated surgery and with the added precautions of the porphyria, John's a lucky guy.

Andrea: Everything I have is in this company, don't do this.
Board member: It's over. OK? I'm sorry, maybe next time don't make your supplements out of fertilizer.
Andrea: You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just a fat cat who came for the ride. I appreciate the cash but don't speak to me like that. I'm okay doing this alone.
Bell: There's another way.

Andrea: Why did you? Why did --
Bell: Because at this point, they think it's a coin toss that 3b's at fault. They're panicking, and I think the odds are slight better than that. Yeah, it's kind of betting the farm, but it's a chance to get ownership back for the people who care most about it.

Bell: Let me know how I can help you. They took your head, you found a way to grow another one, but don't think for a second they won't hesitate to bring the ax down again.
Conrad: Who's they?
Bell: Kim did the firing, but he and Cain are a team, there's no way Cain didn't have a hand in it. And Cain doesn't care that you brought in Georgia FC, for him getting rid of you is personal. Be careful.

Cain: You're the internist here, right?
Conrad: Mhhmm.
Cain: In the great ecosystem of this hospital, you're a flea. You had one job, to make sure my patient was tuned up for surgery, so let me give you some advice upon your fresh return to this hospital: Go do your one job so my patient doesn't die in this hospital.

The Resident Season 3 Quotes

I love this Game! Wonder Twins do it again!


Nic: I keep trying to rewind the clock. It must have been something I could have done differently.
Jessie: Remember what I told you? This is not your fault.