Dick: One more?
Barbara: I think one's my limit. Thanks, though.
Dick: Okay.

Starfire: This might sound insane, but I am dying for ice some ice cream.
Blackfire: Did anyone think to grab some when we were at Snowy Cones?
Starfire: Maybe Door Dash. A couple of gallons of Rocky Road?
Conner: I can beat Door Dash.

Fuck Scarecrow.


Blackfire: Have you heard stories of Krypton?
Superboy: Wait, how did you know?
Blackfire: I can see the strength of Krypton running in your blood ... and something else.

Superboy: I thought your idea was good... about getting intel from the people on the street.
Blackfire: Why are you sitting next to me?
Superboy: I could use the company. I don't like lapse, bad memories.
Blackfire: Ditto.
Superboy: So, what's Tamaren like?
Blackfire: It's not like Earth. No open skies, flowing water. The very air burns your skin. I miss that burn.
Superboy: Why would you miss that?
Blackfire: We made life prosper from nothing but dust. Kori never appreciated Tamaren when she had it.

Dick: Barbara?
Barbara: Security here is a joke. It's my way of keeping my dad on his toes. Wanna grab a drink?


  • Permalink: Jason?
  • Added:

We'll bring fear back to this town.


I'm Fuck, and she's Off.


Get your chemistry kit, an RV, and you've got a TV show.


I shouldn't have been afraid of the wolf. The wolf should have been afraid of me.


You were just a boy. Those were the lessons that he taught you. It's not your fault. But you need to make sure this doesn't happen to someone else. That it stops with you. Now you let Gotham take care of Gotham. The water will find its level. Stop trying to prove something here.


Titans Quotes

Fuck Batman.


Criminal 1: Where’s Batman?
Criminal 2: Hey, I heard he’s alone.