I love you. As long as I can remember, I have desired you. And although I thought it was power that I wanted, it's not true. All I ever really wanted was you.


Ragnar: You haven't told him, have you? He needs to know Helga.
Floki: What is he talking about, Helga? What is it you haven't told me?
Helga: Our daughter is dead. She caught a fever. There was nothing they could do.

However you do it, kill Bjorn Ironside.


The great Floki captured by mere children. Why didn't the God's protect you? Why didn't they hide you better from such innocent eyes?


Ragnar: Did you free Floki, Helga?
Helga: I don't know. I might have done.
Ragnar: I don't blame you. It is your duty as a wife.
Helga: Floki loves you.
Ragnar: He only loves himself. You know that better than anyone.

Aslaug: Why are you still angry?
Ragnar: Because Floki still refuses to admit why he did what he did.
Aslaug: Because he's right.
Ragnar: Right?
Aslaug: What did he do that was wrong? All he did was kill a Christian. Why should he be punished just for that?
Ragnar: This is not about Christian's or faith. It's about loyalty. And trust. Something you can't understand.

Ecbert: If you were free to choose, what would give you the most pleasure and satisfaction? Go on, say it. Whatever you're thinking.
Judith: I'd like to be a painter, like Athelstan.
Ecbert: Very well, then I will find you a great teacher to instruct you.

Bjorn: Floki needed to be dealt with. You were incapacitated, I thought it was the right thing to do.
Ragnar: Did you also think that if I wanted him arrested, I would have done it a long time ago? But now you have made it public, and left me with no options.

Einar: There Earl Kalf, you have your answer.
Kalf: And here right now is mine... archers!
Lagertha: I should have done this a long time ago, Einar.

Floki: Are you going to kill me?
Ragnar: You betrayed me. You betrayed my trust and my love for you.
Floki: It isn't betrayal. I tried to save you from a false God.

I order the arrest of Floki for the murder of Athelstan.


Aslaug: So Paris was everything Athelstan said it would be.
Bjorn: Yes, and everything Ragnar dreamed. And more beside.

Vikings Quotes

I wanted to step out of your shadow.
You understand that, don't you?


Who needs a reason for betrayal?
One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin.
That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.
