Floki: Do you see now Ragnar? This adventure was doomed from the start. We ignored the warnings of the Gods, and so they refused to protect our farmers. And who can blame them Ragnar.
Ragnar: Believe me Floki, Aethelwulf and his father, will feel the wrath of the Gods and my revenge.

I am ashamed, that my word as King meant nothing to some of you. That you organized this catastrophe among yourselves. That you took it upon yourselves to violate a treaty, that I had signed in good faith. God knows what the Northmen will make of these terrible events. My name and my word as King of Wessex will mean nothing to them. But it can not be, can not be. I can not allow and I can't tolerate treason.


Athelstan has been to Paris, and the wanderer who first told me about England, he too told me about this city. We must find him. For it is good to travel with hope and with courage, but it is still better to travel with knowledge.


Now you know, that this settlement and my agreement with Ragnar Lothbrok mean a great deal to me. So I want someone, someone I can trust to go out to the settlement with a large force and bring these disputes to an end.


Lagertha: I supported you in Wessex, now you must support me. Together, we can overthrow this usurper.
Ragnar: Firstly, you came to Wessex of your own volition. Secondly, if there's a civil war many of our own people will die. Is your Earldom really that important to you?
Lagertha: Yes.
Ragnar: Why?
Lagertha: Because it is rightfully mine.
Ragnar: Well, there is never much use in arguing with you Lagertha. We shall go and talk to him.

Aslaug: Rollo, Siggy is dead.
Rollo: How?
Aslaug: Ubbe and Hvitserk fell through the ice into a frozen lake. Siggy saved their lives, but she drowned and we could not find the body.
Rollo: The Gods are mistaken.
Floki: No, the Gods are never mistaken.

Ebert: You and I, we understand each other. That is why we are allies, and will remain so.
Ragnar: Do you think you're a good man?
Ebert: Yes, I think so. Are you a good man?
Ragnar: Yes, I think so. Are you corrupt?
Ebert: Oh yes. Are you?
Ragnar: Um hmm.

Lagertha: You ruined it.
Ragnar: Ah yes, but Princess Kwentrith gave me some of her medicine.

Ragnar: Your brother is weak. He is just a puppet, and he will be your downfall.
Kwentrith: Ragnar what do you think about Ecbert? Do you believe him?
Ragnar: Should I not?
Kwentrith: He's always acted in his own interests. He wants power over me, and over Mercia.
Ragnar: I did not fight for him. I fought for my people and for you.

I do not think she will die; she wants to live. She has a lot to live for. But if she hears you weeping and lamenting, she will choose to die. Be strong, be a man; coax her back from Valhalla. And make it worth her while, for she is already at the gates.


Floki: This is your fault Ragnar. Torstein has died fighting for a hill he did not want to own. For something which meant nothing to him. He has died a pointless death. How many more of us must die for your Christians? Or have you, in your heart, already renounced our Gods and turned to the Christ God? Is that what your friend Athelstan has persuaded you to do? Here we are, under an English sky burying our dead. Those we have sacrificed for Jesus Christ.
Ragnar: We're all fated to die on a certain day, yes? But it is our own choice to do as we please until that day comes. I did not force Torstein, or any of you to come for that matter. You all chose to be here. My heart is as heavy for Torstein as anyone's, but I am sure that I will bump into him again soon. And in the meantime Floki, shut your face.

Tell me now, if you dare, that I do not deserve to be King of Wessex.

King Ecbert

Vikings Quotes

I wanted to step out of your shadow.
You understand that, don't you?


Who needs a reason for betrayal?
One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin.
That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.
