Quinn: I can’t tell if he likes the watch. Is it too flashy? Not flashy enough? And what does it say about me that I was the first one in the relationship to give a gift.
Liza: My advice, don’t overthink it.
Lauren: Maybe gift’s aren’t his thing. I mean he didn’t even get Liza a ring when he proposed.
Quinn: He proposed? Like he proposed marriage? Is that a joke?
Lauren: I kind of wish it were, but she obviously said no.

Lauren: Are you sneaking around with Zane?
Kelsey: No.
Lauren: Well, you’re sneaking around with someone.
Kelsey: I am not sneaking. I went out with a guy, and it’s nothing, and if it turns into something, I will let you know.
Lauren: Boundaries, OK, not quite sure why best friends need those but fine.

Kelsey: OK, so first an unsolicited tix pic and now a FaceTime call with no warning.
Rob: I thought it was a fun surprise.
Kelsey: No, in fact, most people would consider this like a terrorist act.
Rob: Well, I need a social media etiquette class or a personal tutor.
Kelsey: I don’t tutor.

Quinn: Look, I’m gonna be honest with you. My experience with relationships is not great. They tend to go sideways pretty early on.
Liza: You’re kidding me.
Quinn: But with Charles, things are actually going really well. I don’t want to do anything to mess it up or get messed up by it, so I need you to tell me, are there any red flags I’m missing? If you loved Charles and he proposed to you, why aren’t you married?
Liza: There is nothing wrong with Charles. You don’t have to worry. Marriage was just something I didn’t want to do again. That’s it.
Quinn: So you ended things?
Liza: No, he did. If there’s one red flag to report, it’s that Charles has rigid ideas about how things should be.
Quinn: He must have been so surprised when you said no. Marriage makes perfect sense for somebody like you. Someone wants to marry me, they have to sign a prenup as thick as a phonebook.
Liza: I thought marriage was something you felt like you missed out on.
Quinn: No, I don’t want to disclose my tax returns. A legal contract for business I understand, but in the bedroom, it’s such a turnoff. The minute I am legally bound to something, I want to get out of there.
Liza: Not Charles. Marriage is really important to him.
Quinn: A man in the business of books like tradition. I should have seen this coming.

Charles: It’s still not something we would publish.
Liza: Well, someone wanted to publish her.
Charles: And let people her work for free.
Liza: Well sometimes content is for free. That’s what Inkubator is all about.
Kelsey: And Dylan’s next book might be worth some money. We’re just helping her get there.
Charles: But I also need you get to work on books people will actually pay to read.

Liza: Why are you so stubborn?
Charles: Excuse me?
Liza: You loved them. Joan was an idol of yours. Who cares if they want to publish under a penname? My god, it’s got to be your terms, or it just doesn’t work.
Charles: That is not true.
Liza: Are you kidding me? We’re not together because all of a sudden you needed to be married. We never even talked about marriage.
Charles: It wasn’t all of a sudden.
Liza: All of a sudden you asked me, and all of a sudden, we’re over.
Charles: I wanted to know that you really loved me. I wanted to have all of you.
Liza: You did have all of me. Oh my god, you don’t believe me.
Charles: Can you blame me?
Liza: I wish I didn’t love you.

Charles: Maybe I’m too stubborn.
Quinn: For the record, I would have said yes.
Charles: To the book?
Quinn: To you.

  • Permalink: To you.
  • Added:

Kelsey: Millennial was a big moneymaker. We took this company into the black and apparently we need to remind everybody of that.
Liza: Apparently we do.
Kelsey: Here’s what I’m thinking. We take Inkubator online and monetize it. We keep giving chapters to Vulture until the very end, and then if people want to finish the book, they have to pay to download the app that we create.
Liza: One question, how do we make an app?
Kelsey: I don’t know, but I’ve also never bound a book by hand.
Liza: I did once, but I get your point. We outsource.
Kelsey: Exactly, and Vulture has over 29.9 million monthly unique visitors and over half of their readership is female. I know those readers better than Charles. I know that they will follow Dylan to that app and buy the book.
Liza: OK, but all of this is going to cost money, and like Redmond said Dylan could take that book anywhere now. She’s going to want an advance.
Kelsey: I know. I’m going to use the money I have saved for a down payment on an apartment.
Liza: Kelsey, you can’t do that. Let’s just ask Charles for the money. Try a proof of concept for this app like a pilot program.
Kelsey: No, I am done asking. I was publisher here once. I know what I’m talking about. We keep shouting at Charles that Dylan is a good investment, and when we do, Empirical will pay me back. I believe in Dylan.
Liza: I believe in you.

Lauren: Have you asked Clare how she feels about that?
Kelsey: I’m not that close with Clare so I haven’t.
Lauren: Ha, well had you not fallen asleep during “Chernobyl,” you’d know you don’t need to be that close to be affected.

Maggie: Hey, what are you doing with that sign?
Man: Maggie Amato’s been canceled.
Maggie: You mean postponed.
Man: No, canceled and not just the show, the person. She’s canceled. Have you read what they’ve been saying about her on Twitter. Who are you?
Maggie: Nobody I guess.

Quinn: I thought I was so smart bailing early, but maybe you were smarter. You stayed, you did the marriage thing, and you got Caitlin out of the deal. I do a lot of deals, but I don’t have a Caitlin. Probably never will.
Liza: Quinn…
Quinn: Of course, not going through childbirth has certain compensations. Everything down here is exactly the way god and my waxer Fabian made me. See don’t worry. I’m still me. See you later.

Kelsey: That was fun. My train’s down the corner.
Rob: Greg can take you anywhere you want, home or maybe dinner with a friendly book lover.
Kelsey: You dated Clare.
Rob: We broke up last month.
Kelsey: Oh, a whole 30 days.
Rob: Are you even close with Clare? What’s her last name?
Kelsey: Uh, something Irish, O’something, Mcsomething.
Rob: Oh nope, that’s what I thought. What if I called you tomorrow? Is 31 the magic number? Day 41? I can count really high.
Kelsey: It’s a hard pass. Thank you though.

Younger Quotes

It's like Goodnight Moon for adults. With blow jobs!


Wow. If she was OK with the sex change, maybe this won't be such a big deal.
