Lauren: It’s a love story, set in a glamorous arena very close to home. OK, let me set the stage with the characters. Love isn't just for the young and obviously desirable, right? Even with people ripening in Septembers and early Octobers of their years, love can find a way. Love, say, between a publishing titan with very big hands and shoes and a housewife from New Jersey who moved to New York to impersonate young people and learn about memes and Snapchat lens.
Charles: Lauren, I don’t think…
Liza: Actually…
Lauren: And this loveable kitten-eared imposter soon won the heart of the boss-slash-hero, who incidentally believes of promoting from within, and he summoned up the courage… no, I believe he can say this far better than me…
Video Charles: Will you marry me?
Video Liza: Oh my god.
Lauren: OK, so we didn’t get her answer here on video, but he got it, obvy, and therefore, it brings me great pleasure to present to you the Empirical family of the future, Mr. and Mrs. Charles…
Charles: Lauren, we’re not getting married.
Liza: We’re not engaged. It’s not happening.

Josh: So you got a ring or what?
Maggie: She and Charles broke up?
Josh: Wait, what? What happened?
Liza: Well, I really agreed what you said about relationships not having to be defined, but as it turns Charles really needs them to be defined, so he defined us as finished.

Füpa: Maybe, you are right. I do get tired sometimes of always having better principles than everybody else. OK, I will bend to have my voice heard. That is good advice, Liesel.
Liza: I am so glad.
Füpa: But, I will give you small wisdom too. Adults give me advice all the time, and you know usually, no always, it is advice they need to hear themselves. Maybe, you bend don’t too. But what do I know? I’m just a 16-year-old girl who’s saving the world.

Liza: I don’t want to lose that moment, this feeling.
Charles: We won’t.
Liza: Then can we just keep riding the perfect ride? I’ve been married, and it didn’t go so well. I love you, and I don’t want anything from you except your heart. I want to be happily unmarried to you every day.
Charles: Whoa, that was not the proposal I was expecting, but I do know what I want, and it’s not a ride or some kind of fantasy. I want to get off the carousel. I want a partner in life.
Liza: I’m still your partner.
Charles: For life. I may be old-fashioned, but I believe in marriage, and it may not have worked out for either of us the first time, but I believe that it can work again.
Liza: And I think we’re finally free of needing to define ourselves of those rules and obligations. I want to be everything to you.
Charles: We’re not young, Liza, and we both deserve what we really want. Thank you for letting me know what’s in your heart.

Liza: Can we compromise on the whole marriage thing?
Charles: Compromise how?
Liza: I think I was wrong to say never. It’s how I feel now, but who knows? In time maybe I change my mind, or maybe you do. But, let’s give ourselves that time, and if we each bend a little…
Charles: Liza, I’ve had to bend a lot to be with you ever since we met. You never asked me to but I walked away from my company for you. I bent on the custody agreement, time with my girls because Pauline was so upset about your lie. If I bend anymore, I’m going to break.
Liza: That’s not what I’m asking.
Charles: We just want different things. I realize that now. There are no villains here. As hard as it is, it’s best we both move on with respect, not anger.

Kelsey: Do you think it’s a mistake to go back to Millennial?
Lauren: And piss of a bipolar billionaire that agreed to fund your company? Of course not.
Josh: I think Clare’s trying to kidnap Gemma.
Kelsey and Lauren: What?
Josh: Yeah, she just texted me. She wants me to sign off on an expedited passport so she can take Gemma to Ireland to meet the family. Do you think I should be worried?
Lauren: Yes.
Kelsey: No, it’s perfectly normal that Clare would want Gemma to meet her family.
Lauren: OK, and since when has there ever been anything normal about Clare?
Josh: Maybe I should just go to Ireland. Just in case to be safe.
Kelsey: So you are freaking out about turning 30. I have to go screw over a mercurial billionaire, but you win.
Josh: Wait, you’re turning 30?

Kelsey: Look, let’s just go to dinner. Just you and me, and we can talk this out. I love you, and I don’t care where you work. I want you to be happy, but…
Zane: Kelsey, I love you too, and I know I’ll never meet anyone like you again, but the competition, it’s crushing me. I need a fresh start?
Kelsey: Are you breaking up with me because I got promoted over you?
Zane: I am probably doing the stupidest thing of my life, letting you go, but at least for now, I think that’s best.

Kelsey: We just lost Millennial. Everything’s going back to Empirical now.
Liza: Wait, what?
Kelsey: Yeah, the board just voted on the name change, so everything we worked for is gone, including my relationship. God, I should have just never stayed. My instincts are just terrible.
Liza: OK, that’s not true. You’re instincts are great. They’ve gotten you this far, and Millennial, it’s just a name.
Kelsey: A name of something we built.
Liza: We are still building something. Don’t get stuck on labels. The only thing that matters is the books.

Charles: Well, I think I got my answer.
Liza: The answer is I love you, but technically you’re not even divorced yet.
Charles: Yeah, that’s true.
Liza: I also think you might be a little drunk.
Charles: Absolutely buzzed, and you’re avoiding the question.
Liza: It is the most beautiful question I have ever heard, but I have a daughter I need to talk to, and you have to speak to your girls as well. We don’t have to rush. I’m not going anywhere.
Charles: Fine, you know how I feel. Sometimes I can be impatient when I know what I want, but I understand. So you can consider the proposal officially withdrawn.
Liza: Wait, are you un-asking me to marry you?
Charles: Yep, so that when you’re ready, you can pop the question.

Liza: I know you never really liked him.
Josh: Come on. That’s not true. I do like him for you. It brings me joy to know that you are happy. You deserve that. I want that for you for real.
Liza: Josh, you are so special to me. I always want you in my life. Promise me that.
Josh: Yeah, I want you in mine too, always, forever. Relationships don’t have to be defined, right?
Liza: No, no they don’t.
Josh: We know who we are to each other.
Liza: We’re us.
Josh: Yeah, we’re us. We’re always going to be no matter who we’re with.

I believe you, Kelsey. And I wish I didn't. But you deserve to get what you want, I just wish you wanted more. And if you do one day, if you want more than just business advice from me, it's going to have to be your move. Okay? You're going to have to reach out. Good luck with your pitches.


Charles: I've been thinking, the trip to Scotland, I don't know if that's the right thing. The kids...
Liza: No, you're right. I was thinking the same thing. You deserve time alone with the girls. It's fine.
Charles: What I mean is kids don't belong on a honeymoon.
Liza: What?

Younger Quotes

It's like Goodnight Moon for adults. With blow jobs!


Wow. If she was OK with the sex change, maybe this won't be such a big deal.
