Female Executive: Jimmy! How's it coming?
Jimmy: I'm sorry, Female Executive, I can't do it. I'm a fraud of a writer. Can't I just write the roller coaster book?
Female Executive: We already gave that to Neil Gaiman.

Killian: Can I go back to school? My mom says I'm the man of the house now and that I have to get an education.
Jimmy: Sorry, when I gave you that sleeve of Poptarts was that for your help or your biography?

Edgar: So, Dorothy, you're in 'Brian'? I didn't know they had a girl.
Dorothy: Yeah, yeah, that's me. The lone vulva.

[singing] I'm so smart, I got nothing on my mind. I've got zero to-dos and that's just fine.


Strasburg: Critique me.
Jimmy: OK, well, the image of the endless Costco aisle seems somewhat derivative of DeLillo.
Strasburg: Get out.

  • Permalink: Get out.
  • Added:

Gretchen: Why would I pay you rent? It's your house.
Jimmy: Your ability to bend semantics to best fit your financial interests is quite impressive.
Gretchen: I'm all about that paper.

Turns out Honeynutz rhymes with Honey BUTTS.


Lindsay: Have fun having hand sex with your girlfriend in the woods!
Paul: If you must know... I'm able to finish with her REGULAR.

Jimmy: Hey, do you want to get a lap dance with me?
Gretchen: Oh, hell yeah I do!

Scrambled eggs? A dish so pedestrian its name is the recipe?


Lindsay: She's [Amy's] nice. And you're nice. And Paul is nice, and I'm... well... not.
Edgar: I think you're great--
Lindsay: No. I'm materialistic. I'm incapable of being alone. I never really learned to shower that good. I almost always forget to flush the--
[Edgar kisses her]

(about Paul) Hate that dork. Why's he got to ruin puzzles with the third D?


You're the Worst Quotes

Gretchen: Who knows their address?
Jimmy: People. Kidnapped children. This dog I saw on Dateline who rides the bus to the park.

Jimmy: Well you guys have very funny things in your vocabulary as well.
Gretchen: Oh yeah, like what?
Jimmy: "American exceptionalism."
Gretchen: Oh, former colony burn.