Moles and sloths. It sounds like my dating life after I got divorced.


Dariela: Did it work?
Mitch: The good news is yes.
Dariela: And the bad news?
Mitch: That you might have a dead ant floating around somewhere inside of you?

Dariela: Should I be worried that you guys know how to build an electric chair?
Abe: Right now you should be grateful.

Dariela: Collision point? That doesn't sound ominous at all.
Mitch: What the hell is she even doing here?

You know, the social structure of ants is actually quite similar to that of humans? Male ants, for example, will mate with attractive new female ants even if they're from an enemy colony.


Mitch: Scoop up some ants. Hurry, before this spinal fluid goes bad.
Jackson: Well that's a sentence you can go your whole life and never hear.

Mitch: Screw this. I think I should go check the bar.
Chloe: Why?
Mitch: I don't know. Wasn't alcohol invented for times like this?

Alright. If I won all of you in a raffle, I'd probably give you back to the guy who won second place. Although, he probably woundn't want you either. Nor would he want me, because I've been behaving like an irrational five-year-old. As to why we're being raffled off in the first place, I can't really...look. What I'm trying to say is we don't get to choose our families. For better for worse, we're pretty much family now. We've got work to do, so let's do it.


Jackson: The mutation isn't contagious, OK. It can't spread to humans. We know that.
Chloe: Maybe we don't know as much as we thought.

Abe: How did an African elephant find its way to Patagonia?
Jackson: I don't know, Abe. You want to jump out and ask him?

What can the animals do to me that they humans haven't done already?


These are not the days to retreat from those you care about, in fact, these are the days to do the very opposite.


Zoo Quotes

They were raised in cages. In a way, they're kind of the victims here.


All men are unknowable. With animals, you know where you stand.
