Logan: I was ready to give up several times. Jamie wouldn't let me.
Allison: How long have you been in love with her?

Hey, I'm gonna say something a leader would. Let's split up.


The guy who has our jellyfish, his name is Duncan Santos. He's the local venom dealer in here Lisbon, because God knows every city needs one of those.


Listen, I got a good thing going here. I work in the lab. I keep to myself. I take naps. Lotsa naps.


Jamie: So this Dariela killed my friend:
Mitch: Look, I don't like it either, but I did what I had to do.

Dammit, Mitch. I brought you here. I gave you this lab, this plane, because I believe in you.


Glad to see you still have some fight in you. You're gonna need it. Both of you.


Abe: I'm sorry, but when I look at you now, all I see is the fact that Chloe is no longer with us.
Dariela: And I have to live with that.

Mitch: Somebody else want to step in now?
Jackson: I do. We've been flying around on your step mother's plane, and you didn't bother to tell us?

Mitch [sighs]: Oh, I can slip a mickey. I'm a doctor!
Abe: So they teach you mickey slipping in doctor school...

That's your super power, Jackson. You have a way of making everyone feel alright, not matter how dreadful things look.


Dariela: We're gonna crash the party of the guy who just sent men to kill us.
Chloe: Yes.

Zoo Quotes

They were raised in cages. In a way, they're kind of the victims here.


All men are unknowable. With animals, you know where you stand.
