Before all of this began, people who loved cats should have kept themselves hidden.


Jackson: Why shouldn't man contribute to their own demise? They've been doing it since the dawn of time. Don't say it, don't say it. I know, I sound exactly like my father.
Abraham: Actually, you said it with more conviction.

So that's it. We're out of options. It's all over.


Chloe: So what are we going to do?
Amelia: This.
Chloe: This?
Amelia: Yes.
Chloe: Killing the animals? Play God, and repopulate the planet? This is ridiculous.

You know animals love me, right?


They still haven't come up with an adequate name for it, have they? Maybe you should come up with one... that'd put you on the journalistic map, wouldn't it? How about 'The Beast Rebellion'? That's pretty good, no?


Mitch: I want to thank you for dragging me into this insanity.
Jamie: You don't have to thank me-
Mitch: I want to thank you for giving me the courage to save my daughter, and for reminding me that it's okay to feel. And...I know you couldn't save your mother. But truth is, you kinda saved me.

I didn't hate the patients, I just hated their pain. Their tears, their family's tears. You shut down your emotions for long enough, you don't want to spend your day with somebody else's.


What's it like, being human?


My focus was on terrorism, human terrorism. But I have come to believe that the most serious threat to our survival now comes from the animal kingdom.


I'm on your side. Things were never supposed to happen like this. It got out of control. I want, I need, to help fix this.


Abraham: We should have had a better plan. No, actually we should have had any plan at all.
Jackson: You think I've been reckless, I know, you've already said that. But no one is coming up with any better ideas.
Abraham: That's because you didn't let them.

Zoo Quotes

They were raised in cages. In a way, they're kind of the victims here.


All men are unknowable. With animals, you know where you stand.
