Abe: When did you start paying attention?
Logan: I'm smarter than I look.
Dariela: You'd have to be just to hold a fork.

Jamie: For a mercenary, you have the pain threshold of a first grader.
Jackson: Mercenary?
Logan: Is that all you think I am?

Dariela: So, what's next?
Jackson: I don't know. But to be honest, not knowing feels pretty good.

I never got the chance to say this to your mother, so at least let me say it to you. I thought that I knew best. Truth be told, lying here in this chair, dying, fluids draining from my body and it's an animal apocalypse that I may be partially responsible for, I still think that I know best. That's my arrogance. The same arrogance that assured me that I could save all of us, that you and your mom would finally understand and come back to me. But instead I almost lost both of you. Jackson, I thank God that I finally had the chance to make it right. If not with your mother, then at least with you.


Sergeant, we are not going to kill all of the world's animals if there isn't a way to bring them back.


Reese: Oh, Lucy and I got this.
Dariela: You named your crossbow. That's quirky.

Davies: What is this a laser pointer? How pathetically appropriate.
Mitch: He called my bluff.
Jamie: It wasn't a bluff! [truck explodes]
Davies: You just killed the Noah Objective.

Dariela: I'm the only side of beef you need.
Reece: Excuse me?
Dariela: I'm pregnant. The animals are drawn to me.

Jamie: You know, when we can manage to be...civil...we still make a pretty good team.
Mitch: Yeah, but where's the fun in that?

Mitch: Nice going.
Jamie: Yeah, I wish I could say the same, you panicked and almost pulled me too soon.
Mitch: Yeah, well, you already gave a toe for this team. I figured giving an arm or a head would just be showing off.

Jackson: Abe, you're going to be a father.
Abe: Yes, if we can manage not to get shot out of the sky, I guess I am. You have a father again.
Jackson: Yes, if we can manage not to get shot out of the sky, I guess I do.

Not every family knows how to share their truth. It doesn't make their love a lie.


Zoo Quotes

They were raised in cages. In a way, they're kind of the victims here.


All men are unknowable. With animals, you know where you stand.
