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Kevin is at his building doing some reparis and helping out some of his tenants.

His father is there and offers to be a handyman for him.

While he's helping Mrs. Castillo, he hears a shot fired. He finds Lew in the basement and there's a kid who is bleeding out after getting shot. Lew is trying to help him.

They take the kid outside and into the ambulance and the police roll up.

They get a lead from Mrs. Castillo about another boy in the area responsible, and with Lew's help, Atwater goes to young Oscar's house. His sister leads them to Oscar in the park. When he's there, they find him and he pulls out a gun and Lew is the one who talks him down.

They talk to Oscar in interrogation and he says that he shot Malik by accident.

Lew is livid when he thinks that they're going to charge OScar and send him to prison for killing Malik. He throws a fit in the station and Atwater sends him home.

They're trying to make sense of Oscar confessing to shooting Malik and having a bunch of drugs under his bed.

Ruzek and Atwater hit up a shabby building when they get a lead on a possibl perp and they meet Carlos who starts running from them and proceeds to beat the crap out of Ruz and Kevin.

They find out that Carlos is Oscar's father when they raid his apartment.

They work toward proving that the drugs and gun belong to Carlos and not Oscar. Atwater takes another shot at talking to Oscar in hopes that he'll get the truth. But Oscar still sticks to his story.

Theyre supposed to be working with Lew, but he's not coming out to the car and they're trying to get him out so they can get to Carlos.

Carlos sees that Lew noticed Atwater and pulls a knife to hold Lew hostage.

Lew gets cut by the knife but they manage to take Carlos down.

Lew tells Atwater that he had a plan and that's how he intended to get Carlos hemmed up. But he didn't get the dope to prove anything.

They try to get Carlos to admit that it was his drugs and gun to save Oscar, but he refuses. Atwater goes to talk to OScar and shows him the tape of his father saying that he doesn't care about him.

Oscar finally tells the truth.

Atwater talks to his father and they talk about their relationship as Atwater finally gets help for the building.



Chicago PD
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Chicago PD Season 10 Episode 19 Quotes

Atwater: You alright?
Ruzek: Oh, I'm not gonna lie to you; I've been better.
Atwater: Damn!
Ruzek: What the hell just happened, man?

Oscar: I didn't mean to.
Kevin: You didn't mean to what?
Oscar: Shoot Malik. He's my friend.