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Stewie is in the school psychologist's office and can't shut up. The psychologist isn't saying a word while Stewie keeps going on and on about nothing in general.

They start discussing his accent which the doctor doesn't believe he really has. Stewie looks at a picture of the doctor with his partner and starts analyzing him.

He's almost like an FBI profiler going into great detail about the doctor and his partner. He's making all sorts of assumptions. He makes up a story about his friends and how they spend money and other things.

What exactly is the point of this episode because there's so much one-sided talking, it's getting to the point where I'm starting to tune out. 

The psychologist tells Stewie he thinks he's lonely and Stewie starts crying. Then he takes deep breaths and starts feeling better. He still claims he's lonely and then starts spilling his secrets.

Stewie sings a song from Hamilton for the doctor. He has hiccups and he's got boogers coming out of his nose which isn't funny at all. It's incredibly gross and stupid.

If you haven't seen it, there's no point because it's a complete waste of time. Maybe this is the episode that will finally be the show's death knell.

Now the doctor is telling Stewie a story about his childhood. OMG. When is this going to end?!

Stewie starts talking in his normal voice. The doctor doesn't notice any difference. He even goes through all of his other voices and the doctor knows no difference.

Stewie's normal voice is stupid but when the doctor tells Pritchfield tells him he can be like everybody else now, he goes back to talking the normal Stewie way. The doctor is about to have a heart attack and asks Stewie to get him his medication but Stewie won't get it for him because the doctor is the only one who knows the real Stewie and his stupid voice.

This is a horrible, horrible episode.

Stewie is back in bed and has a nightmare. Brian comes in a checks on him and Stewie asks him to sleep with him then he tells Brian he did something awful but doesn't want to talk about it.

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Family Guy Season 16 Episode 12 Quotes

Dr. Pritchfield: You seem to have a lot of opinions about things.
Stewie: Yeah, there are a lot of dicks.

I hope he didn't get cancer all over the seat.
