"From a Whisper to a Scream"

From a whisper to a scream. Essentially, that's the crescendo taken by Cristina and Preston regarding their secret. The tension boils f...

"Staring at the Sun"

The episode begins where some fans probably wish more episodes would: with Derek in the bathtub. He and Meredith are trying to take it s...

"Where The Boys Are"

It's pretty clear from the onset where the boys are. Fishing. If Derek had his way, it would be where he is -- and no one else. But at...

"Let the Angels Commit"

As you can probably discern from the title, this episode boils down to commitment. This is especially true for Isobel Stevens, also know...

"Oh, The Guilt"

Guilt. It never travels alone. It brings reinforcements, namely its close friends doubt and insecurity. And it packs a wallop. At fir...

"What I Am"

What I am is what I am. Are you what you are, or what? That's the theme of tonight's episode, and the question of the hour. It's the o...

"Sometimes a Fantasy"

Sometimes, a fantasy is all we've got. We think we can turn it into real life, but that's easier said than done. So Meredith discovers ...

"I Am a Tree"

"You can tell me… who's damn panties are on the bulletin board? " Ah, yes. With those words, Dr. Bailey tore into her lascivious...

"Time Has Come Today"

Time. How quickly it flies, how we wish we had more of it, and how we spend what little we have… that's the theme of this great h...

"Losing My Religion"

In the Southeast, to lose one's religion means to lose civility. To fly off the handle. Give up control of one's better judgment, even. With all that took place in the first hour (Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response), emotions are running high as the second half of the finale begins...

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
