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Michael Carpenter, a former naval-warfare engineer, is found dead at a spoken-word poetry event at a bookstore. Callen asks Nell to help him find Anna. The tech company Carpenter was working for, Go Go Go, was funded by the same Chinese shell corporation which funded the company Eric worked for in San Francisco. Miguel Vega, the chief of the company, claims it's working on a search engine. Nicole DeChamps shows up, investigating the company and shooting down MIguel's alibi. It's developing a search engine for China that will allow it to spy on its citizens. A stressed-out Eric is exercising rather than working. Deeks and Kensi find Carpenter on bookstore surveillance along with Daisy Patel, an environmental activist. Michael never told Daisy what he was creating. Katherine Casillas is on the board of Go Go Go and she backs the search-engine project. Kensi and Deeks go to get Eric back to work. DeChamps asks Sam about Catherine. Robbers steal hard drives and abduct Miguel from Go Go Go. They interrogate Catherine again. Catherine said the case is so much bigger than Sam and Callen are seeing. Miguel was shoved into a car belonging to Saudi Abdul Khan. Catherine says the Chinese told the Saudis about the project. The Saudis wanted in and they didn't like it when Go Go Go turned them down. Deeks and Kensi cut off that car but Miguel isn't inside. They go to Khan's house. They surprise a half-dozen gunmen and rescue Miguel, although Kensi ends up going into the pool with one. Miguel confesses to everything, including that the technology purposely doesn't work as China wants. The whole thing was Catherine's idea. Sam makes up with Catherine. Nell tells Callen that Anna is linked to attacks all over Europe.

NCIS: Los Angeles
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 14 Quotes

Callen [to Eric]: Nell and I were having a moment.
Nell: Which you clearly murdered.

Nell: What if I can't find [Anna]?
Callen: Then I'll know I was too late.