NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 14 Review: Commitment Issues

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It was guest-stars-galore night when NCIS: Los Angeles returned for the first time in ages.

Katherine Casillas, Nicole DeChamps, and a familiar Chinese shell corporation all turned up on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 14.

It made for a fun, bouncy episode, with nothing too heavy weighing down the action.

Murder and Poetry -- Tall - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 14

There was no Hetty sighting, unfortunately, which is the new normal, I'm afraid.

But Nell did perform a Hetty-like act, tossing incriminating evidence into the incinerator, likely on Hetty's orders. So that's something.

Also making an appearance while not being present was Anna.

Callen must have decided that he was in over his head in his belated search for his girlfriend, as they have redefined the concept of "taking a break." 

Yes, Callen finally got tired of waiting for Anna to contact him. Plus she's got that real knack for getting into trouble, much like her father, Arkady.

Actually, the best part about getting Anna back would mean an excuse to have Arkady recur on a more regular basis. It's been way too long (NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 21).

Unless, of course, Vyto Ruginis is too tied up with his recurring role on Deputy. Here's hoping he's not.

Interrupting Nell's file torching, Callen sought her help in trying to determine in what kind of mischief Anna is caught up.

Despite an involved case of the week (coming up soon), Nell found time to find out that Anna has been quite busy all across Europe.

As for what she's been up to, we should find out on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 15. At least it will prove a quick resolution to this storyline once Anna's name eventually came up again.

And frankly TPTB can't be blamed for a month's worth of special events on Sundays, as much as we might like to. The series hasn't been pre-empted for a debate yet, so count your blessings.

Now, back to the action.

Many might think, just like Carla the bookstore employee, that the real crime was the spoken-word poetry at the beginning.

Fortunately, it was brief.

The grouchy Carla, played by veteran character actor Mary-Pat Green, was one of the more memorable guest characters from this season. Her and the hippie-ish Deeks sniping back and forth was great. She only got a couple of scenes, but she sure stole them.

Let's set aside, for now, the question of how a Saudi hit squad managed to infiltrate an event full of hipsters and interrogate and kill an American citizen without being seen. After all, it wasn't a consulate in Turkey.

This was another of those kinds of cases the OSP seems to specialize in: former Naval personnel who wind up dead and NCIS ends up investigating. Because their heads remain full of classified material, I guess.

So what if Michael was now just a civilian tech developer?

But the admittedly fascinating part of the case was that the company for whom Michael worked, the horridly named Go Go Go (sounds like a K-Pop group), was funded by the same Chinese shell corporation of which Eric had run afoul on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 9.

Yeah, quite the coincidence!

Eric reacted in a perfectly Beale way. Rather than being energized by getting another shot at the group that tried to kill him, he hid in the gym.

And he still wants to be a field agent? Seriously?

That seemed like a strange reaction, even for Eric. But it was his episode to be the comic relief, I guess.

Nell couldn't dislodge him from his stationary bike, because, well, she was used to having to coddle this delicate flower daily, sadly.

It took some tough love from Kensi to get Beale out of hiding and back to work. Not strangely, this nasty side of Kensi turned on Deeks.

The pleasant surprise of the episode was the reappearance of DeChamps, who last visit on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 16.

DeChamps has been a character who has developed nicely. She seemed a little stiff when she first appeared on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 8 Episode 16, back when she was a Secret Service agent.

But she's become just as much a wise-ass as anyone else on the regular team.

Still, she couldn't call ahead? Instead, she just turned up at Go Go Go amid Sam and Callen's quipping at Miguel. A great way to make an entrance but they could have collaborated better with a little preparation.

At one time, it seemed like DeChamps might the Sam's next romantic relationship. But now she's more like his bratty younger sister, incessantly teasing him.

The role of Sam's next great love appears to be filled by Katherine. But, for a time, it seemed that that was heading off the tracks when Katherine wouldn't tell what she knew about Go Go Go's search engine for China.

There was ,frankly, no good reason she couldn't have told them what she knew about Go Go Go's mission. Granted, she didn't know who killed Michael, at least until the team determined that the Saudis were involved.

Yet still, she held out, unnecessarily. What the tech company was up to was hush-hush, but NCIS wasn't going to spill anything.

A squad that could kill an engineer amid a poetry slam shouldn't have been caught unaware that easily by NCIS. The most spirited resistance led to Kensi and the female thug taking a gratuitous dip in the pool.

But at least Miguel spilled everything so that Sam and Katherine could make up in the end.

To follow the development of Sam and Catherine, watch NCIS: Los Angeles online.

Were you glad to see DeChamps return?

Did you have doubts about Katherine?

Are you ready for Anna to be back?

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Commitment Issues Review

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Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 11 Episode 14 Quotes

Callen [to Eric]: Nell and I were having a moment.
Nell: Which you clearly murdered.

Nell: What if I can't find [Anna]?
Callen: Then I'll know I was too late.