Comminuty Fundraiser - Queen Sugar
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Ralph Angel asks Darla out on a proper date but ends up having to take Blue along as the two continue to work on their relatioship. 

Ralph Angel applies for a micro-loan on his own in order to buy the seed to plant the soy bean crop, instead of going to Charley, but he still needs a letter from his employer and a copy of the title to the farm. 

At their final divorce mediation, Davis tells Charley he wants joint custody of Micah, and that he wants more of a hand in raising his son. He also says that Micah wants that too. Charley feels blindsided and walks out. 

Charley calls her mother and leaves a message, saying she misses her. Then she goes to Remy, not knowing that this is the fourth anniversary of his wife, Shauna’s death. Shauna was in the Army reserves and was killed by an IED in Kandahar. Remy says that Charley is the first woman he’s wanted to know since Shauna died, but that she needs to take the time to mourn her marriage before she can move on. 

Violet hears that there’s been an explosion on the oil rig where Hollywood is working. She waits for the bus bringing the workers home, and just as she is about to give up, Hollywood walks off the bus and into her arms. 


Nova plans a community bail fundraiser, for people who can’t afford to make even minimal bail. Micah shows up. He’s feeling lost since his arrest and is struggling to find his footing. 

Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I don't know what's going on between the two of you at the moment, but I need for you to give her some grace today.


I don't know what those police said to you, or what they did, but we can talk about it. We can talk about anything.
