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Jughead and Tabitha are cleaning up the diner; they dance and start making out.

Glenn refuses to let Jughead join in the FBI investigation on the Lonely Highway. He wants Betty to join him in reviewing tapes of The Black Hood to see if the murders are connected to him. Glenn has agents searching the highway for bodies.

Riverdale High is hosting a Parent-Teacher night. Archie and Kevin will do tours of the school.

Chadwick refuses to sign the divorce papers.

The Blossom maple groves aren't giving any maple sap. Nana Blossom thinks it's due to Cheryl being happy and defying the Blossom curse.

Jughead's agent has an opportunity for him, but he wants the story to be more sensational and bigger than Stephen King. Less alien, more murder and chaos. Jughead is dealing with writer's block.

Hiram needs Reggie's help to get into the Blossom maple groves to dig into the playdium veins.

Archie's army general plans to give Archie a silver eagle medal for his work on a previous mission. Archie doesn't want the award, but he will be given it regardless.

Betty reviews one of the recordings and discovers that Hal Cooper would meet up with women on the online forum, the same one that brought women to the Lonely Highway.

Chad sent Veronica photos of her kiss with Archie at Riverdale High.

Reggie visits Nana Blossom to speak about the maple groves.

As Alice and Betty make birthday cakes, they get a call that an accident has happened.

Tabitha and Jughead decide to be friends after Jughead admits his past relationship (i.e., Jessica) was very toxic. Jughead wants to take maple mushrooms so that he can write his book during a drug trip. Tabitha doesn't think it's a good idea.

Veronica tells Archie about the helicopter crash that nearly killed her and Chad. She plans to visit Chad to sign the divorce papers and talk.

Juniper and Dagwood pushed a kid down the stairs because they talked about Polly. The kids didn't look phased about the attack.

Nana Blossom sold the maple groves to Reggie. Cheryl is mad and doesn't believe in the Blossom curse.

Jughead makes an order of maple mushrooms.

Archie receives a call from a reporter who wants to chat. The story is about the General potentially sending Archie on a dirty mission.

Glenn wrote a dissertation about Betty's family and the history of evil/murders. Betty is mad and wants to focus on Polly's disappearance. She rejects his advances.

Archie visits his Uncle Frank in prison to talk about General Taylor and the shady missions. Archie doesn't want the fake medal; he wants to stand up to it. Frank warns Archie that something is brewing in prison.

Cheryl bursts into Hiram's office to inform him and Archie that Nana Blossom was declared senile a decade prior. The deal wasn't valid.

Jessica delivered the maple mushrooms to Jughead; Tabitha pretended to be Jughead's girlfriend to shade Jessica. Jughead owes Jessica $500. Tabitha cooks a burger with the mushrooms for him to eat in the bunker.

Chadwick surprises Veronica with a dinner. She reluctantly agrees to stay to reminisce about the past. Their first date was exploring the London caves; they dance to their wedding song. Chad confirms he didn't cause the helicopter crash on purpose and he signed the divorce papers.

An explosion rocks the prison. Many prisoners escape from prison.

Reggie burns the maple groves to the ground. The power goes out at Riverdale High.

An escaped Charles and Chic return to the Cooper home during Dagwood and Juniper's birthday party.

Alice reveals she's been visiting Charles over the years and she was ordained as a minister. Charles wants to get married to Chic in the Cooper home.

Archie fights a bunch of escaped prisoners in the darkened hallway. Before one of the prisoners robs everyone, Archie knocks him out.

Just as Chic and Charles are married, Glenn arrives with gifts. It's revealed that Glenn and Charles were at the academy together. Betty reveals the dissertation; Charles wants to play a game.

Frank helps Archie at the high school. The group plots to enter the tunnel and escape to the sheriff's station.

Charles and Chic want to play "The Pincushion Man" game. Betty convinces Charles to not let Juniper play the game. Betty stabs Glenn, but she turns the blade on Chic. Alice and Charles fight for the gun; Charles gets shot in the conflict.

Tabitha checked on Jughead to find him in full ecstasy and dancing. She handcuffs him to the table to focus on writing. In his hallucination state, both Jessica and Betty flirt with him; he starts making out with fake Betty. Jughead hallucinates seeing an alien and the bright lights.

Penelope Blossom returns to Thornhill. Nana Blossom says that curse will be satiated if they kill the interloper; Minerva Marble runs from the building. All three Blossom women pray to have the fires stopped.

Veronica discovers that Chad didn't sign the divorce papers. Chad reveals he did dirty deals under her jewelry business; he blackmails her into staying married or else he'll blame her for the crimes.

General Taylor tells Archie that he will either be rewarded or be branded a traitor during the award trial.

Jughead writes his story, but a light shines through the tunnel.

Veronica calls Archie to say she's staying in New York for a while.

Reggie reveals the wind storm didn't destroy Thornhill, but it did destroy most of the maple groves.

Glenn survived the attack and Charles is in the ICU. The FBI is relocating the case to a different location. Betty is going undercover as a trucker to find out more details.

Tabitha returns to find the bunker empty and blood covering the handcuffs.

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Riverdale Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Nice try, you simpletons! But, you’ll be shocked to learn the contract you have is totally devoid of meaning. I had Nana Rose declared legally senile half a decade ago. She has no power to do anything. Now, it’s time for you to accept the fact that you will NEVER get my precious groves. Tootles!


Veronica: I always wondered. You didn’t crash on purpose, did you?
Chad: Why would you think that?! We almost died…
Veronica: Because then we’d be together forever. In a different way.