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Betty is reading many anonymous letters sent to her "Girl Next Door" newsletter. She gets letters from all the girls, like Cheryl, Toni, Ethel, Evelyn, Midge, and more.

Alice is excitedly planning for her Miss Teen Riverdale pageant. Ethel is working as her assistant and drawing images for the posters.

Betty scoffs at the pageant, but Alice says the pageant will be aired on live TV. Alice says that the winner will get a car, TV screen test, and a scholarship to any school of her choice.

At school, the girls discuss competing in the pageant. Veronica wants to compete; Betty is cautious about participating. The girls agree to a truce where they don't harm or treat each other badly.

Toni wants to compete to be the first black contestant in the pageant since it's now integrated. Cheryl is competing because her family sponsors the pageant. However, Cheryl is competing for a new mission.

Midge tells Fangs that she wants to compete because it might be the last carefree thing she does in her life before her baby is born. Fangs supports her and hopes she wins.

Veronica tries to convince Betty to sign up for the pageant. Betty wants to win the scholarship for her future school.

Alice is skeptical of Betty competing. Betty wants to win the pageant, but Alice scoffs because she knows Betty will get a scholarship on her own. She wants Betty to want to win the title for the honor of getting the title.

Alice tells Betty of her dream of being a stewardess. Alice didn't do it because she met Hal and had a family instead.

Alice is providing an etiquette lesson to the girls by having them walk with a book on their heads. Alice is giving a monologue about how important the pageant is and the run of the competition.

Ethel daydreams about winning the pageant. She dreams of her parents being alive and becoming a famous artist with her work in a museum. Ethel wishes that Jughead was her boyfriend. It's her perfect day.

The girls get their dresses ready for the pageant. Mary Andrews talks about her competing in high school; the girls and moms reminisce about life and their goals for the future. Alice overhears Mary saying she'll have to let out MIdge's dress.

Ethel starts crying when hemming Betty's dress. Ethel tells Betty that she wishes she would win the crown, but the town would never look at her as the best and brightest of the town. She thinks people would only look at her as the girl who lost her parents and was accused of murder. Betty encourages her to compete, but Ethel decides against it.

Alice asks Midge how far along she is.

Alice tells the girls that Midge is no longer in the pageant and she'll be in school at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. The girls are confused why Midge would be gone for 6 or 7 months. Alice says Midge will be good when she's back.

In the lounge, the girls speculate about Midge. They come to the agreement that Midge got pregnant; Betty is very curious about how Midge got pregnant and how quickly her life got changed. Evelyn Evernever makes several comments, but Toni and Cheryl shut her down.

Betty wants Ethel to sign up for the pageant now that there's an open spot for her to compete.

Cheryl and Toni talk Fangs down from causing hell over Midge being taken. They want him to continue his goal of getting the gold record so that his future with Midge will work out.

Betty trains Ethel with etiquette lessons. Alice is angry at Betty for getting Ethel involved in the pageant; she doesn't want Ethel to compete. Alice says Betty will have to tell her not to join. Alice says Ethel doesn't belong in the pageant and she doesn't represent the best of Riverdale.

Betty tells the girls what Alice said about Ethel. Their first idea is to threaten Alice and say they'll drop out if she's kicked out. However, Veronica thinks the girls should go around Alice by going straight to Hal.

At the studio, Veronica and Betty successfully force Hal into allowing Ethel into the pageant. Also, they get the swimsuit portion removed from the pageant.

At night, Betty lays into Hal about how frustrated and angry she is by Hal not supporting her. Alice is worried that if Ethel wins, the journalists will look into Ethel's past.

During the day of the pageant, the guys are at the diner watching the show on TV. Kevin performs a song for the evening gown portion.

Cheryl Blossom, the current reigning Miss Riverdale Teen Queen, wears a red dress. Betty wears a sparkly pink gown, Evelyn wears a rhubarb dress, Ethel in yellow, Veronica in a purple gown, and Toni in a black and green dress. The audience cheers for them.

Ethel performs "Who Will Love Me As I Am?" as her talent portion. The guys are mesmerized by Ethel's singing ability; Reggie says he's in love. Clay says Ethel has star quality. Everyone is blown away in the studio at the end of Ethel's song.

The guys ideate about who will win.

Ethel wins the pageant. All of the judges and Hal look shocked at the news. All of the girls are excited, but Evelyn looks upset.

Midge calls Fangs from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Midge reveals Alice talked with Midge's mom and got her landed at the Sisters. Fangs reassures her that he'll be there for her and he'll make sure they're a family together.

Alice reveals to Betty that she was the real winner of the beauty pageant. Alice says that Hal and the judges were furious that she read the wrong name live on air. She says she thinks the real Miss Teen Dream can change lives ... or she did it to force Betty to lose. She's happy that she changed Ethel's life.

Betty thinks Alice deep down is a kind and caring person. Betty says she loves her mother.

Betty as "Girl Next Door" writes her letters to each of the girls.

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Riverdale Season 7 Episode 15 Quotes

Alice: You know, I was Miss Riverdale Teen Queen back in my day.
Betty: I know. Everyone knows.
Alice: The night I was crowned, it was the greatest night of my life. I thought I could do anything. Be anything. You know, well, it’s silly, but I thought I might grow up to be a stewardess and travel the world to see glamorous places.
Betty: You wanted to be a stewardess? That I did not know.

Betty: Ethel, you’re so beautiful. Why aren’t you competing?
Ethel: I couldn’t. You heard what your mom said about being Miss Riverdale Teen Queen. She’s supposed to embody the best of the town. Be Riverdale’s ideal girl. That’s not me, Betty. I’m the girl whose parents were murdered. The girl who’s quiet and likes comic books and draws creepy pictures. No one in their right mind would crown me Miss Riverdale Teen Queen.