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Ryn brings Susan to the motel room where Maddie tells her mom that they found Glen dead. They call Sheriff Bishop.

One of the mermaids takes Cami to Xander and reveals that he killed Donna. They hold him hostage along with Levi. 

Sarge shows up at Helen's house and she invites him in. 

Dale thanks Ryn for saving his daughter's life, but warns her about the law and the consequences of killing people.

Xander tries to kill Levi but gives up. He calls Ben to come to get him out. 

Dale takes Ryn home and warns her to think before she does anything. 

Nicole catches them escaping and snaps a picture of Cami. 

Katrina comes back to take the mermaids to the water and says that anyone who stands with Ryn will die. 

Dale sets up the crime scene to make Glen's death look like an accident and discovers his stash of drugs. 

Ryn apologizes to Maddie but Maddie tells her she has nothing to apologize for. They kiss and hold each other in bed. 

Ben meets with the reporter and tells him the truth about his dad and the oil company. The reporter tells him the network won't let them run the story. Ben confronts his parents about it. 

Susan opens up to Dale about Glen and how he abused her. 

Ben and Maddie decide it's time to take a stand against the oil company. 

Sarge overhears Ryn talking to Helen and pledges his alliance to Katrina. 

Sarge used Katrina as a setup and takes Ryn's side along with her friends. Ryn tells them that the killing stops now. They agree they need each other to take back the water.

Fishermen pull their net out of the water and see a human hand. 

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Siren Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Dale: So you killed him?
Ryn: Yes.
Dale: You saved my daughter's life. I'll never be able to thank you enough.

I know you don't understand me. No locks in the ocean, right?
