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Dina hosts the daily breakroom meeting since Glenn is still in quarantine. They meet in the beauty section of Cloud 9. 

Dina announces Cloud 9 ending its policy on locking hair care products for black customers. They formally unlock the cabinet permanently. Justine starts singing, and everyone leaves.

Dina is still excited about the end of the racist policy, but Garrett is unimpressed. He says it's a small gesture compared to systemic racism in general and within Cloud 9.

Jonah mentions his antiracism book club. Dina asks Garrett to lead a meeting to compile a list of racist issues within the store and send it to corporate.

Mateo and Cheyenne talk about the outdoor movie night they are planning. Sandra walks by, and they discuss potentially inviting her since they never do. 

Glenn FaceTimes Garrett and apologizes for the hair care product policy.

Cheyenne and Mateo invite Sandra to the outdoor movie night, but Sandra doesn't feel comfortable going because of COVID. 

Garrett leads the meeting on corporate racism. Employees initially come up with a list of snacks from the vending machine they do not like. Garrett pushes the meeting further, and black employees begin talking about microaggressions and racism they experience at Cloud 9.

After the meeting, Garrett complains to Jonah and Nia about telling white employees about corporate racism. He wants to give up, but Nia convinces Garrett to finish the list.

Mateo and Cheyenne confront Sandra, thinking she suggested that they are not clean. They try to convince her to go to their movie night by implementing more COVID restrictions, but she still is not comfortable going.

Garrett is discussing adding more items to the list with a few black employees. Jonah approaches Garrett with another FaceTime call from Glenn. Glenn says he is making up for the hair care products policy by providing pizza for black employees.

While eating pizza in the warehouse, other employees of color begin asking Garrett if they can eat pizza. He agrees.

Two white employees head to the warehouse, but Jonah and Dina stop them from entering.

Sandra walks by Cheyenne and Mateo again, and they try to prove how clean they are to her. Mateo demands to know why Sandra will not go to their movie night, and he starts arguing with Cheyenne.

Glenn FaceTimes Garrett again and says the white employees are upset about not getting pizza. Garrett breaks down and rants over the store intercom.

Afterward, Glenn apologizes to Garrett, and Dina hangs up on Glenn. Garrett talks to Dina about how she has been pressuring her on the issue.

Dina apologizes and tells Garrett she will send the list. It will take 3-5 weeks to get a response from corporate.

Cheyenne and Mateo show Sandra their negative COVID tests. They sabotage their own movie night by trying to appease her.

Several white employees apologize to Garrett and buy him ten more pizzas. Dina asks Garrett about a broken cardboard stand, and Garrett said he threw it away because he could not stand the racism of it. 

Garrett leaves, and Jonah starts yelling at the white employees about white privilege. However, Garrett texts him to bring the pizzas. 

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Superstore Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Garrett: You do realize the hair products thing isn't the end of racism? It's not even the end of racism in the store.
Dina: Oh, is this because Karen started here last week? Because she's willing to go by Jill.
Garrett: What? No! Don't you think it's messed up that we've never had a black district manager? Or that the employee handbook limits our hair length to three inches in diameter? That basically means no afros.
Dina: I guess I just never thought about any of this stuff. I mean, you've never brought it up before.
Garrett: It's not my job to call out every racist thing I come up against! It's my job to announce sales and pretend not to notice when people return used swimsuits.

Oh yeah, it takes a lot of courage to make a gesture this small this late in the game.
