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-Kat and Jane get IV infusions to help with their hangovers.

-Sutton tells Kat and Jane she is pregnant and she is hesitant about it but Richard is excited.

-Oliver's ex-Jasper is coming for his first supervised visit with Carly.

-The launch day for The Failing Feminist has arrived. 

-Scott took the job with the vertical. 

-Kat got a job at The Bell.

-Jane is stressed about the vertical launch and doesn't like Scott's article.

-Sutton can't get any clothes for her photoshoot because of the snow. 

-Jane breaks the news to Scott that she doesn't like his article and he doesn't seem to take it well, especially when he gets stuck at Scarlet with Jane. 

-Oliver's ex shows up just in time for them to get stranded at Scarlet. 

-Richard falls and hurts himself. 

-RJ's daughter shows up for a talk at The Bell. 

-Jane isn't a fan of Scott's rewrite either.

 -Ava lets Kat know that she knows who she is. 

-Jasper reassures Oliver that he is working the program, but thinks that Oliver is upset with him still and that is why he is holding a grudge against him.

-Jane rewrote Scott's article and he asks her not to be his name on the article and put his on instead. 

-Jane finally decides to ask Jacqueline for help.

-Ian brings up Miles.

-Kat and Ava go head to head about what Ava does for work and things get heated leading to Kat being fired. 

-Jane admits to Scott that she was wrong and decides to publish his version of the article. 

-Scott admits that the reason that he wrote the article the way he did is because of his own experiences with his mom. 

-Sutton admits that she doesn't know how she is going to take care of a baby. 

-Richard comes up with the idea to use Jasper's jacket for the shoot after Sutton ruins the one that she found.

-Ava fights for Kat to keep her job. 

-Jasper invites Oliver to come to the Met with him and Carly after he caves on him spending more time with him, but Oliver isn't ready.

-Sutton and Kat tease Jane about liking Scott. 


The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Sutton: Hey, I can not drink for nine months.
Kat: Wait.
Jane: Are you serious?
Kat: Yes, she is. You're not.
Jane: Are you pregnant? Oh my god, wait, is this a good thing?
Sutton: Yes.
Kat: We're gonna have a baby.
Jane: I'm gonna be the fun auntie.
Kat: Well.
Jane: What?
Kat and Sutton: Yeah.

Don't worry, I'm not a marine biologist or anything just a big fan of shark week.
