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Thony wants Fiona to take the kids to JD's until it's safe. Fiona and Chris make it sound like an adventure.

Garrett suspects a mole in the FBI and is determined to find Maya's killer.

Thony hates lying to Garrett when he's suffering.

Garrett and Katherine are using a new laser mike and are shocked Naia is involved.

Robert isn't at the meeting. Only Nadia is. She's angry she was cut out of the deal which happened at her club. Arman refuses to talk business with her, though Thony tries to get money from her before Arman stops her.

Garrett is angry they didn't continue questioning Nadia, but Arman refuses to use his wife as bait. Thony is starting to get annoyed since her family is in danger.

Thony suggests stealing the ledger, which shows everyone who owes Robert money. Nadia has a key to his office.

Arman went to apologize to Nadia. It's hard to tell whether it's game or sincere, but he snatched the key after a passionate embrace.

He brought it to Thony, who looked uncomfortable.

Thony found the ledger right before Joseph returned. Garrett said it would help the case.

JD didn't want Jaz near Thony until the case was resolved. He wanted Fiona and the kids to stay there until it was resolved.

Nadia realized her key was missing. Joseph found it at the bar.

Katherine and Garrett found a location tracker in Maya's things.

Thony shows Arman Nadia and Robert's marriage license. Arman isn't okay with Nadia going down with Robert.

The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Thony: I keep replaying it in mind what he had you do. Maybe we could have done something different.
Arman: I don’t know.

Until I found out how they found her in a safe house, I’m not taking any time off!
