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Darlene confides in Jackie that she’s been secretly seeing David while still dating Ben. She feels that if there’s a chance to put her family back together she has to try but swears she’s not sleeping with both of them because that’s not who she is. Jackie tells her that if that’s the case, she needs to break up with Ben.

Jackie writes up a birth plan for Becky and it’s huge! Becky’s water breaks in the middle of the living room. She’s two months early. The family runs back and forth to the hospital hoping that the medication will stop Becky’s labor.

At work, Darlene is taking secret phone calls from David and telling him that she loves him. Knowing that David may be there, she tells Ben not to accompany her to the hospital because it will be too crowded. With spending all of her spare time bouncing between David and Ben, Darlene rarely makes it home before 10 pm each night. She blames work and traffic.

Dan is confronted by one of Harris’ classmates parents. Harris sold the boy a pot cookie and he ended up in Urgent Care. The mother wants to be compensated for the $200 bill but Dan doesn’t have it and says he’ll pass the message along to Harris’ mother.

When Darlene confronts Harris, the girl is unapologetic. She says it will be legal in a few months anyway and no one cares. Darlene says she’s underage and can’t be using or selling or she could go to jail. She tells Harris she’s grounded for the rest of the semester but Harris scoffs, saying Darlene is never home anyway and won’t be able to enforce it.

Darlene later lashes out at Dan for not figuring out that Harris was baking pot cookies in his kitchen. Dan says he’s raised his kids and that he doesn’t know where Darlene goes at night but she needs to come home to raise her kids. Darlene shoots back that Mom raised them. Dan, unfazed, said the credit really belongs to the TV.

When the hospital can’t stop the labor, the baby is born. It’s a girl. She wasn’t breathing on her own and has to be put on a ventilator in the NICU. Much to Jackie’s horror, Becky names her daughter Beverly Rose. She visits the baby in the NICU and tells her she’s sorry, feeling guilty about her being born prematurely.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

When I’m supposed to be with Ben, I’m with David. When I’m supposed to be with David, I’m with Ben. When I’m supposed to be with the kids, I’m with Ben or David.


You know you can roll up a body in a carpet. A little something to put in your pocket for later.
