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At the Conner residence, Mark walks around with a mask and face shield, taking everyone’s temperature and making them stay six feet apart.

Louise is now living with the Conners; she’s even cooking for them, but things are crowded.

Dan’s neighbor, Tito, sneakily serves him with an eviction notice. They’ve got five days until the Sheriff shows up, but Dan still doesn’t want to accept money from his family.

Jackie catches Dan trying to do a drywall job without a crew so that he can earn every penny. Darlene and Becky insist they pay rent. Louise backs them because if Dan refuses to accept help, they’ll all end up on the street.

Ben tells Darlene that Lanford Exposed just lost its last advertiser. They’re too broke to start the magazine. Darlene is devastated. She feels that writing has never brought her anything but failure.

Wellman Plastics is reopening and hiring 200 people. It’s the same factory where Roseanne and Jackie once worked. Darlene is worried that with everyone working shoulder to shoulder in the factory, it will be far too easy to catch Covid-19, but being desperate for money, she and Becky take jobs there anyway.

Emilio is living at The Lunch Box, working as the chef and helping to take care of Beverly Rose while Jackie delivers orders all over town on her bike.

Becky fears Emilio will get caught by ICE, be sent back to Mexico, and never be allowed to return to his daughter, but Emilio is equally scared that if he goes back, they’ll change the rules once again and not let him back into the U.S. anyway.

Jackie brings over a cake with a lizard on it to boost everyone’s spirits. When they all realize they’ve forgotten Mark’s birthday, they tell him it’s his birthday cake.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

I remember visiting you guys at work and watching you robotically doing the same job over and over and thinking, “Wow, it must really suck to be an adult.” And it does.


Mark: Can you smell this?
Darlene: I don’t want to smell it. It’s bad enough I have to eat it.