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The mayor canceled trick-or-treating in Lanford. Mary's taking it hard. DJ is working a lot, and Mary is alone most of the day and into the evening. Darlene wants to move Mary into their house. DJ is out of town on business, and Mary is alone. They can't reach DJ on his phone, and his voicemail box is full, so Darlene sends him an email and then moves Mary in with them.  
When Mark's friend, Colin, makes fun of him for wearing a mask, Dan encourages him to talk to Colin about it. Unfortunately, it turns into name-calling where Colin hits Mark, and then Mark punches Colin twice. Mark gets suspended from school for two days. 
The Conners decide to do at home trick-or-treating; knock on any door in the house and open it to find out if there's a trick or a treat. When the kids open the front door, Ben is a zombie crawling on the ground coming after them. Jackie is a witch in the bathroom, then Ben changes into Frankenstein. Harris makes out with a skeleton/corpse. Darlene fills up their trick-or-treat bags with candy blown out of the neighbor's tricked-out leaf blower. And Harris dons giant ant mandibles and attacks Dan. 
DJ gets back, and he's furious they've moved Mary in without speaking to him first. He wants her back home. He got a promotion at work that requires long hours, but it will probably help pay for her college. DJ has tried to get friends from the military base to check in on Mary now that Gina has been deployed again, but they keep getting shipped out.
Darlene, Becky, and Dan try to explain that it might be better for Mary if she got to stay with them during the week. 
When DJ asks Mary what she wants, she says she wants to stay with the family. DJ agrees that she'll stay with them during the week and him on the weekends, but it's clear it breaks his heart. 
Darlene chastises Dan for telling Mark to speak his mind to Colin and blames him for the fistfight. Dan says the fight happened because Mark called Colin an idiot. Dan says that the problem is that Colin's father and Mark's mother have both taught their kids that anyone who disagrees with them is stupid and that the inability to have a conversation with someone who has a different point of view is what's ruining our country. Darlene says they are beyond conversation and thinks the election will fix it. Dan isn't convinced. 
Later, Mary and Mark find the family playing poker with their candy as the stakes. 
The Conners
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The Conners Season 3 Episode 2 Quotes

There’s a whole lot of stupid going around these days.


Wow, the pandemic, a presidential election, and Halloween all at once. Throw in five dumb teenagers and a cabin and you’ve got yourself a horror movie.
