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Becky is going to Mexico so that Emilio can meet Beverly Rose for the first time. Jackie is going with her and DJ will run the Lunch Box while they’re gone. Emilio’s aunts are paying for the trip. 


They spend a great day together but Emilio knows that Becky can’t afford to make this trip often. Becky can’t walk away. She marries Emilio but he needs to stay in Mexico for two more years before he can apply for a waiver to come to the U.S. 


Much to Becky’s surprise, Emilio follows her back to Lanford. He couldn’t stay away from his daughter. He’s staying with his aunts and plans to post things online pretending to still be in Mexico. Becky is upset because if he gets caught, he’ll never be allowed back in the U.S. legally. 


Dan can’t afford to get his truck out of the shop. He tells Louise that the bank is foreclosing on the house. He needs $4,000. She doesn’t have it but she offers to go to the bank with him to talk to the loan officer, Jim.


Dan brings Jim a ham. He brought Jim a ham the day they closed on the house. Jim says he can’t help Dan out. The bank got bought out by a bigger bank. They’ve decided Dan is an unacceptable risk. Louise takes the ham back. 


Ben and Darlene bring Harris and Mark to see the apartment they plan to rent. The kids are less than thrilled. The last time they tried this it never happened because Darlene slept with David and she and Ben broke up. 


Louise tells Darlene about Dan losing the house. She wants to use the money she and Ben planned to rent the new apartment with and put it towards the house. Ben doesn’t want to live in to her father’s house. He points out that Dan’s money problems most likely won’t end here.


Darlene offers to sell her car and get a second job to help. Dan says no. Ben then says that it’s not all on Darlene, that they’re in this together. Darlene says she and Ben can take over the payments on the house. Dan says he won’t let the bank or his kids take his house. Darlene worries that his stubbornness will mean he’d rather lose the house than accept their help.  


The Conners
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The Conners Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Louise: Why didn’t you tell me? We’re a couple now, we’re supposed to be there for one another.
Dan: You’re right. Give me $4,000.
Louise: I don’t have it but I have cleavage and I know how to use it.
Dan: Alright, let’s go. Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.

Dan: I may be to the point of going to the mall and hurling myself down the escalator.
Louise: Well, there’s nobody in the mall. You’ll lay there for days.