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Zoom is on a tear, setting buildings on fire with "Bring Me Wells" messages.

While Wells and Cisco are arguing over how things could play out, E-2 Barry wakes up, all aflutter.

Barry and Jesse are on different pages over whether or not help will arrive. Jesse thinks her father only cares about himself. Barry assures her she's very wrong. Every action since they've met has been to save her. 

Back on E-1, Jay and Caitlin are worried about Geomancer. He's shaking things up pretty well. Cait is already on Velocity-8. Velocity-7 is killing more of Jay's cells.

Scott Evans introduces himself to Iris. He ain't running her latest piece on Geomancer. It's a fluff piece trying to make people feel good. He pretty much thinks what she writes is crap.

On E-2, the other Barry and Iris catch up, and he has a lot to tell her. E-2 Barry has an algorithm to find Killer Frost. Iris wants to go with Harry and Cisco to try to catch her. E-2 Barry says, well, he's going too. Harry and Cisco both look like OMG. But he goes.

Back in Zoom jail, the Man in the Iron Mask is pounding out some sort of Morse code. Barry wants to work with Jesse to try to figure out what the guy is saying. He says Harry said the only person smarter than him is her. That gets her juices flowing.

Barry realizes Iron Mask is using a 5x5 tap code used by POWs.

On E-2, Cait is onto Velocity-9. Iris asks Jay about the article. There are alarms going off outside. Jay needs the Velocity-9 now!!!

Jay saves an entire hospital full of people before it collapses to the ground. He's OK, but it took a lot out of him. It felt good, too. Iris has everything she needs for her article.

The Iron Mask is tapping Jay Garrick. He's getting very, very upset. He's pounding on the window and shaking his head. Barry says he didn't come with them. The only thing he didn't do, which would make the most sense, was point to himself. Because he's obviously Jay Garrick. The man calling himself Jay Garrick on Earth 1 is obviously Zoom, and also Earth-2's Hunter Zoloman.

The rest of the gang finds Killer Frost in the woods. She's like a nymph. She finally agrees to help.

Jesse tells Barry he's resonating at a different frequency than on his earth and that's why he can't get out of the cell. 

The gang arrives at Ascension Cliffs and that's where Barry says the funny bit about wing tips.

Jay arrives to Caitlin, who tells him she's amazing because Velocity-9 is making his cells regenerate and stuff. 

Uh oh. The Speed Cannon is broken. They might never be able to get back! Jay gives it the wonky eye.

Meanwhile, the gang gets to the lair. Everyone is freeeeeeee! Harry and Jesse are reunited. Killer Frost freezes most of the people out of their predicaments, but Barry's cell is made out of some sort of carbine. They can't get Barry out. He tells them to leave. Barry 2 says that ain't gonna happen. Is there much sweeter than Barry talking Barry into doing something?

Earth-2's Iris and Barry have to leave town to be safe. Everyone says their goodbyes. Jay was dawdling around the breach too long and Zoom stuck his hand through and right through Jay's chest and plucked him back to Earth-2. Whoops.

The Flash
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

E-2 Barry: I'm gonna have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind.
Harry: Oh, don't give him too much.

Now, if I can do the impossible today, so can you. I'm just Barry Allen. You're The Flash.

E-2 Barry