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Lea wakes up to a loud weather report. She had the volume up loud. Shaun can't talk but claims he is not anxious or upset. Lea is sure Lim needs time. Shaun says he still has Glassman and Andrews and doesn't need Lim. Steve always said if someone didn't want to be his friend that was their problem. He runs off to have pancakes with Glassman

Meanwhile Lim gets ready for her day and wheels down to the elevator. She runs into a neighbor (the one from the garage) who asks if that Murphy guy is still making her life miserable. The neighbor asks her for a ride and then says he is kidding.

Park says goodbye to some woman who has a husband in NY and doesn't want him to come visit.

Glassman has stood Shaun up for pancakes. He watches Shaun from across the room, then leaves and sends a text saying he can't make it. Shaun gets called to the ER.

The patient is a reenactor who has injured himself with fireworks. Powell says it isn't that bad and he will be fine.

Another patient has lost a leg in a speedboat accident. Park and Morgan bicker about everything from the surgical plan to what happened last night. Anyway they need to find a severed foot in the lake.

The guy wakes up. He says that this was a first date. He doesn't realize his foot was severed.

Powell doesn't seem interested in talking to Asher about her war experience. Eventually she explains she went to the naval academy. Anyway the shrapnel is stopping an aneurysm from rupturing.

Shaun rearranges the lamps in Park's office and then disappears to the OR.

Jordan is sure the cops won't find the foot. Perez is all about positive vibes. Jordan bets him $20 the foot won't be found.

Morgan and Glassman argue over who gets the next patient, who no one wants. Lea comes up to Glassman to talk about Shaun. He says Shaun should take responsibility for hurting Lim and doesn't want to talk about Shaun any further.

Shaun operates on the shrapnel guy with Powell. Asher continues to try to find out why Powell was in the Navy. Shaun says some people in high school joined the Navy because they wanted to be on fishing boats. Powell realizes there is a firework in the guy. Shaun doesn't stop working and the firework explodes, destroying an artery.

Shaun tries to tell the patient he is lucky. The patient doesn't feel lucky. Powell makes a sarcastic comment about pretending he's in a combat hospital.

Park keeps doing a painful procedure to keep the leg ready for the foot which still hasn't been found. Andy is disappointed he hasn't heard from the girl on the date.  He never has any luck with dates. Maybe some people are meant to be alone.  Park tells him his own relationship woes and encourages him to keep trying.

Andrews is not interested in giving Shaun his own office and is sure he and Park can work things out sharing an office. He suggests Shaun compromise.

Jordan and Perez show up at the beach to check on the rescue workers. Perez goes to get a beach towel.

Powell and Asher realize there is a lot of nerve damage. They think they should amputate. Shaun says no. Park interrupts. He's annoyed that Shaun rearranged the desks. He tells Shaun to stop touching his stuff and storms out. Shaun is clearly upset.

Andrews asks Glassman if there is a problem between Shaun and Lim. Glassman is angry that anyone is asking him about Shaun and Lim.

Perez tries to find out why Jordan is not into skinny dipping. They have a semi-flirtatious conversation.

Active bleed and Andy is in danger. Park doesn't want to close because then they can't replant the foot if it is found.

The bleeding can't be resolved.

Shaun has decided to move into a storage room. Andrews doesn't like this but agrees for now.

Park is about to give up when the rescue workers find the foot.

Powell and Asher get into it about her Navy service. Shaun has come up with a solution and can think more clearly in his new office.

Jordan and Perez transport the foot and work on it while trying not to distract their driver who thinks this is cool.

Perez and Jordan show up just in time.

Shaun's idea won't work. Asher says they have to amputate. Shaun goes into one of his trances where he visualizes everything and comes up with an idea that Asher thinks is risky but Shaun says he can do it.

Jordan and Park discuss whether the girl should have reached out to Andy. Andy starts crashing. No flow of blood. His leg might be gone.

Glassman goes to see Shaun and asks why he is isolating himself. Shaun says Glassman is the one who canceled their breakfast. Glassman says he is angry with Shaun for not listening to him about Lim's surgery. Shaun informs Glassman that Lim and Glassman are wrong to be angry when he saved Lim's limfe. Glassman yells at him to take accountability. Shaun kicks him out of his office.

Shaun tells his patient not to play with fireworks as he was lucky to survive.

Asher watches Powell at her locker. He's sorry he offended her. He grew up sheltered and is trying to figure things out. Powell says she tore her ACL and had wanted to be a soccer player before her injury. She lost all her offers except the Naval academy. Tuition was free and she could play. But then she was deployed. But joining the Navy was the best decision she ever made.

Daniel and Jordan go to get their cars. He collects his $20 and takes her hand and they stare at each other. They begin to kiss. He apologizes and says he can't.

Lim's neighbor offers to help her with her groceries. He catches a bottle of olive oil that almost fell. She offers him a taste. Lim looks happy as she wheels away.

Park looks at Morgan's picture on a dating app.

Lim and her new friend talk. He's a marketing exec at Greensly. Lim likes a restaurant across the street from where he works. They decide to go to dinner there sometime.

Shaun says he is thinking about his patient's shoulder, though Lea thinks he's thinking about his fight with Glassman. He says he has to go.

Shaun goes running and wakes Glassman up. He says there is a surgery that will cure Lim's paralysis.

The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

I'm surprised you're so invested. You didn't seem that sympathetic in the patient's room.


Park: We'll leave it open for now and if we can find the foot, we will try to replant it.
Andy: What do you mean, if you can find the foot?