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Chidi has accepted he belongs in the Good Place and is busying enjoying himself. Michael and Eleanor realize that need to put him in distress. 

Tahani takes John for a spa day filled with gossip to lure him in. She invites him to join Chidi's ethics group, but he declines. 

Eleanor introduces Jason as a Buddhist monk. After she leaves the room Jason tells Chidi he's not supposed to be in the Good Place and he needs his help. 

Jason has succeeded in stressing Chidi out, and Eleanor tells him to kick things up a notch. 

Tahani tells John that his writing on Earth hurt people and he gets angry at her. 

Jason throws a rock into the bonfire at the luau even though Chidi warned him not to. He gets what he most desires, which is a motorcycle with a sexually-explicit image on it. Chidi covers for him. 

Chidi goes to Michael and Eleanor and starts hyperventilating. He tells them he knows neither of them would do anything to hurt him, but he feels like he's being punished. Eleanor starts crying. 

Michael tells Chidi that she gets upset when the residents of the neighborhood aren't happy, so he fakes happiness and leaves. 

Tahani and John make ammends. 

Chidi tells Jason that they're going to study ethics to make him a better person. 

Eleanor admits to Michael that she can't help but be mad at Chidi for leaving her. 

A figure is seen on the railroad making its way towards the Good Place.

The Good Place
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The Good Place Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

No, shut up for a sec! I'm not a Buddhist monk. My name is Jason Mendoza. I'm a DJ from Florida, and I'm not supposed to be here! You gotta help me out, homie. I'm scared.


I'm probably just going to mess it up like I messed things up with Janet.
