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In the future, three years from now, Alaric has two daughters. Damon shows up on his doorstep and the two are no longer friends. In the present day of The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4, Alaric sits outside Jo's vault in the morgue. When the medical examiner enters, Alaric buys the room for the day.

Lily calls Damon asking to speak to Oscar. After making arrangements for their swap, Damon finds that Oscar's body has gone missing and finds his desiccated corpse in a supply closet. 

Bonnie tells Caroline about Jo and the Phoenix Stone. Stefan learns that Oscar is dead and tells Damon to get rid of the body. Valerie pretends she doesn't know Oscar isn't coming home, despite Enzo's suspicions. Lily confronts Valerie about her relationship with Stefan in 1863 and holding on to his journals for so many years. Lily gives her one opportunity to unveil the entire truth of their relationship and Valerie refuses.

Mary Louise and Nora visit Damon to get Oscar, but when he isn't there, the girls suspect foul play. They deliver an ultimatum: for every hour Oscar goes unreturned, a Whitmore student will die. The messenger kills herself in front of the brothers. 

Matt stops a tour bus full of people traveling through Mystic Falls hoping to catch sight of something spooky before Halloween. Enzo helps usher them out of town and then asks Matt for access to the town's security cameras. He has a Heretic to track.

Stefan tells Caroline they have a Mary Louise and Nora problem. He wants to invite them to the Heaven and Hell Ball to keep them in one place where they can be watched. Caroline decides they have to make it the girls' idea to go. She does an excellent job of convincing them they want to attend. While helping Mary Louise dress for the dance, Caroline asks her to siphon off Valerie's spell. Mary Louise refuses because she doesn't want to be on Valerie's bad side.

When Mary Louise presents herself to Nora, Nora seems unimpressed with Mary Louise's outfit. Her feelings are hurt by the changes Nora makes to it, so Mary Louise kills another co-ed.

Bonnie and Alaric meet in the morgue to discuss raising Jo. Damon comes in with Oscar's body and wants to use the stone on him.

Caroline and Stefan meet at the Heaven and Hell ball. At the bar, Mary Louise tries to order drinks but the bartender doesn't understand her. Nora orders more modern drinks and Mary Louise feels self-conscious. Nora makes conversation easily with the bartender and Mary Louise seems jealous.

Bonnie, Alaric, and Damon try to resurrect Oscar with the Phoenix Stone. Bonnie goes through several spells trying to find one that works.

Enzo finds Valerie sitting in front of the fire, alone, in the Salvatore boarding house. He confronts her about visiting Whitmore College the night before and lying to Lily. He also suspects she murdered Oscar and says as much. She confesses to killing Oscar in order to prevent him from bringing Julian back into their lives. 

Caroline senses the tension in Mary Louise and Nora's relationship, but also wonders if she may be wrong when she sees them dance. She and Stefan argue about Valerie and why he hasn't asked her to undo the spell yet. Caroline is afraid she'll lose him to Valerie but projects her issues onto him. Mary Louise finds Nora eating a bartender in the back room. Instead of feeding, Mary Louise rips her heart out.

Bonnie alights on a spell that works and Damon declares her the most terrifying person he knows. Damon drags Oscar out into the street so he can take a picture of the two of them for Lily. Oscar is ravenous following his resurrection. Bonnie and Alaric go back to the morgue to resurrect Jo.

Enzo confronts Lily about Julian. She says he was the love of her life and then rushes off when she gets a text from Damon. Stefan stops Mary Louise from killing another co-ed and ends up acting as Mary Louise's stand-in therapist. He jabs her in the leg with vervain and takes her off to siphon Caroline's spell.

While taking Oscar to meet Lily, Damon learns that super strength accompanies the super hunger of the resurrection spell. Matt finds a bloody body and Damon tells him it's Oscar's handiwork. They decide to go into Mystic Falls together to retrieve him.

Stefan and Caroline team up to force Nora to siphon off the vervain spell. Oscar murders a bus load of tourists before Lily arrives and Damon snaps his neck. Mary Louise soothes Nora as she awakes from her snapped neck and the two make up. Stefan and Caroline make out. Enzo and Valerie team up to keep Julian from returning.

Damon declares he's moving back to Mystic Falls and writes a letter to Elena before sending her body away with Tyler. Bonnie manages to resurrect Jo.

The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Nora: You reek of blood.
Damon: Well...I've been binging.
Stefan: And I've been judging.

Lily: Damon, if you have harmed Oscar in any way--
Damon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not my first hostage swap.