19 Needless TV Deaths That Made Us Question Everything

Some TV deaths can break our hearts but these ones just left us scratching our heads. Which TV show do you still loathe for pointlessly killing off a character?

19 of the Most Unique Marriage Proposals on Television

On television, the question isn't always asked in the most traditional sense. Check out what we think are 19 of TV's most unique marriage proposals!

15 Shows That Will Inspire You to Travel the World

Many shows use picturesque and charismatic backdrops which become a major character. Here's a list of shows that have given me, and will probably give you, a case of wanderlust.

13 Regal Shows To Watch Ahead of the Royal Wedding

As you countdown the days until Prince Harry and Suits actress Meghan Markle tie the knot, you can binge watch these shows inspired by and dedicated to the British monarchy!

33 TV Shows That Take Us Back in Time

If you're yearning for the good 'ole days, you don't have to look far to find great TV. Here's a list of shows that will take you back in time.

13 TV Couples With Crazy Age Gaps

Who care's about age? When you're in love, you're in love. Check out our list of couples who didn't let an age difference get in the way of love.

31 Characters Badly in Need of a Four-Leaf Clover

Have you thought a TV character could really use a little luck thrown their way? We've found a whole bunch who might benefit from your help!

Downton Abbey Quotes

Anna, help me do battle with this monstrosity. It looks like a creature from the lost world.


But no, I'm not back in the Army. It appears they don't want me.

Lord Robert