31 Couples Who Inspired Each Other's Inner Comedian

The best couples are always the ones who can make each other LOL no matter what's going on around them. Find someone who you can laugh with during the apocalypse!

21 Characters Who Carried the Show on Their Backs

The weight of an entire show is a lot to carry, but someone needs to do it. We put together a list of characters who singlehandedly kept the audience's attention.

17 TV Couples Who Shouldn't Have Been Endgame

The show may have ended, but odds are, you're probably still not over it. Which television couples do you think shouldn't have ended up together?

13 of TV's "Dumbest" Characters Who were Smarter than They Seemed

Not all characters are as unintelligent as their show makes them out to be. Check out our list of characters who were smarter than their series gave them credit for!

27 Smooth Sailing TV 'Ships

These 27 couples show us that it is possible to have a great love story on television without all of that unnecessary drama. Isn't that refreshing?!?

Girl Meets World Quotes

Riley: How long do I have to live in my father’s world?
Cory: Until you make it yours. Riley, do you know what I want more than anything? Go ahead, make it yours.
Riley: I will and when I do, will you still be there for me?
Topanga: Right here. We’ll be right here.

It’s not your world; it’s still my world.
