27 Internet Girlfriends You Should Still Be Crushing On

Sometimes you just need to celebrate the best girlfriends that television has given the internet. Here is a collection of the characters you should still be obsessed with.

25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!

19 TV Characters Who Are Terrible at their Jobs

Have you ever watched a show and wondered how a certain character got past the interview stage? Here's a list of terrible employees who make TV great!

Renewal Scorecard 2018-2019: What's Coming Back?

Which shows are coming back during the 2018-2019 season? We have a complete list that includes shows from the broadcast, cable and even streaming networks. Read on!

The Good Place Quotes

There really is an afterlife. I can't wait to have breakfast with Kant, and lunch with Michel Foucault, and then have dinner with Kant again so we can talk about what came up at breakfast!


It's a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow, or someone on the internet saying, "You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong."
