13 Shows That Changed the Landscape of Television

Television has come a long way, baby. Many shows have been produced over the last 70-plus years, some more influential than others. Here's a list of 13.

13 TV Diners To Get The Best Slice of Pie

There is no better way to ring in National Pie Day than to imagine which TV diners (and restaurants) would serve us our favorite dessert.

42 TV Celebrities Who've Spent Time in the Slammer

TV celebrities live a posh lifestyle, but when they mess with the law, they're thrown in the slammer like everyone else. Some are in for hours, and some are in for life.

13 Scariest Moments in Television History

Halloween brings out all the spooky and scary moments for us to enjoy, so here are the scariest scenes in TV history that probably still have us all terrified.

17 Shows That Wave the Weird Flag

Wait... WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!? This is the question most often asked when it comes to these shows.

Twin Peaks Quotes

The skunk was on the whole other side of the hotel.


The Giant: Remember 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.
Cooper: I understand.