The Office Review: "Body Language"

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When Michael Scott tries to read "Body Language," you know the result before you even watch it unfold. Fortunately, this is The Office we're talking about and instead of ever growing stale, the inept Dunder Mifflin boss bungling matters is predictably hilarious.

It's unclear if Michael can read a fax cover sheet, let alone signals from an attractive woman, but nevertheless, he displayed the usual misguided confidence in his abilities.

There were interesting elements to Michael's bungled interactions with bar manager Donna (guest star Amy Pietz). First, everyone else was thrown off too, not simply Mike.

Where Donna fits into Michael's long-term plans remains to be seen, but she was certainly terrific in her second stint on the show (the first being "Happy Hour" last night).

The scene in which he ran upstairs to spill the beans about the kiss was classic, because Michael always screws things like this up, and skepticism of him is wholly justified.

But, for once, completely wrong in this case.

Angela and Phyllis

One of our favorite inter-office rivalries.

Second, it allowed Michael and Pam to mend fences a little, or at least for her to forgive him for the Helene debacle. She was sweet and compassionate to him at the end.

Other highlights from the night included Gabe pushing Darryl to join Sabre's minority executive program, which naturally angered Dwight, given his exclusion from the running.

Since he can't claim that title, he does the next best thing, persuade Kelly (Mindy Kaling, who directed the episode) to apply instead, with typical puppet master manipulations.

We really thought the Dwight-Kelly scenes exceeded Michael's, largely, proving the true depth and strength of this show's cast. It was one of the all-time classic B-story lines.

Dwight's machinations hit a snag, though, after Ryan saw riding Kelly's coattails as his own ticket back to management. Watching Dwight get frustrated is always entertaining.

Finally, we had vintage Angela and Phyllis interactions, plus classic lines from Stanley and Creed, rounding out a typically solid episode of our perennial favorite NBC comedy.

Follow the jump for The Office quotes from "Body Language" ...

Pam: I was wrong too. I thought she was interested in you.
Michael: She suckered you too ... was it the cleavage.
Pam: Yeah, and the shoulder cutouts. | permalink
Stanley: [to Dwight] I'll smack you in the face with a rainbow. | permalink
Darryl: I got my whole life to be a minority executive. Only have about a year left in these knees, though. | permalink
Pam: She could've left a while ago. Most printer sales are done over the phone, Ms. Boob-shirt. | permalink
Dwight: Just once, I'd like to be a puppet master and have nothing go wrong. Is that too much to ask? | permalink
Creed: You ever notice you can only ooze two things? Sexuality and pus. Man, I tell ya. | permalink
Pam: You can flirt with someone to get what you want and also be attracted to them. How do you think we got together?
Jim: 'Cause I stopped by your desk 15 times a day.
Pam: I was after your money.
Jim: Well the joke was on you.
Pam: Yes it was. | permalink

Body Language Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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The Office Season 6 Episode 23 Quotes

Just once, I'd like to be a puppet master and have nothing go wrong. Is that too much to ask?


She could've left a while ago. Most printer sales are done over the phone, Ms. Boob-shirt.
