The Office Review: "Counseling"

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This week's episode of The Office, "Counseling," was pleasant. 

Unlike it's Comedy Night Done Right partners on NBC, The Office has never been a show that has been about rattling off joke after joke.  Having said that, I did smile a lot during this half hour.  Each of the three stories - Michael and Toby's counseling, Dwight playing Pretty Woman, and Pam scamming her way into a new position - were enjoyable.  They just weren't flat out funny.

Stuck with Toby

The relationship between Michael and Toby has always been one of my favorite things about the series.  I've grown accustomed to hating Toby just as much as Michael does, so every time he scowls at the HR man, I'm elated.  As Mike ended the episode on a bit of a good note with Toby, I can only hope that his hatred for Gabe expands into a new rivalry, because I sure am not a big fan of him, either.

My least favorite of the three stories was probably the rest of Dunder-Mifflin helping Dwight get revenge on the store that wouldn't provide him with service.  Ryan hating on Dwight's glasses and then recanting on that statement was funny, but not much else about it was.  Dwight dressing up like an older rich man?  Not doing it for me.

I've never been a Pam fan, but I quite enjoyed her journey to becoming the Office Administrator this week.  Again, it created no laughter, but every time she made progress in achieving her final goal, I was entertained.

As will be the case in every episode of the season, we're interested in seeing how the show will deal with the departure of Steve Carrell.  We got nothing on that front this week.

Below, we've listed the best The Office quotes from the half hour:

Erin: Disposable cameras are fun, although it does seem wasteful and you don't ever get to see your pictures. If it's an important event, that you want to remember, I recommend using a real camera. | permalink
Michael: I was raised by wolfs. I was 25 years old before I saw my first human being. Wait, is it a full moon tonight? Awooooooo! | permalink
Phyllis: I'm glad Michael's getting help. He has a lot of issues and he's stupid. | permalink
Michael (to Toby): You are the worst. I hate looking at your face. I wanna smash it. | permalink
Kelly: I talk a lot, so I've learned to just tune myself out. | permalink
Dwight: Now that I own the building I've been looking for new sources of revenue...and a daycare center? Woohahahaha. Well I guess it's not an evil idea, it's just a regular idea, but there's no good laugh for a regular idea. | permalink

Counseling Review

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Rating: 3.5 / 5.0 (46 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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The Office Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Dwight: I see you found our magical toy box Jim.
Jim: These are actually forks and knives from the break room.
Dwight: Jim (laughs), to you and me maybe, but come on. To a child's imagination, that's Mr. Fork and Lieutenant Knife...and Miss Fork.

Now that I own the building I've been looking for new sources of revenue...and a daycare center? Woohahahaha. Well I guess it's not an evil idea, it's just a regular idea, but there's no good laugh for a regular idea.
