House Review: "You Must Remember This"

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Welcome to House 101.

Everything about "You Must Remember This" was a lesson in what has both made the show so successful, and what can make it frustrating to watch more than seven seasons in.

We had a Patient of the Week who suffered from an unusual disease/disorder. We had a series of mis-diagnoses and near-death scares until an epiphany prompted House to rush in to the rescue.

We had said patient act as a reflection of an overall series theme, in this case the dilemma House himself has faced for years: would you rather be miserable, special and alone? Or... normal?

House v. Wilson

It was interesting to watch House realize that he was actually the most functioning of everyone around him - happy at work, at home, off the Vicodin - but that didn't make up for a patient to whom I never felt any kind of emotional connection.

Same for the B and C plots.

You won't find a bigger Wilson fan on the planet than yours truly, but this character simply isn't around very often. I practically forgot he even dated Sam. Therefore, it was difficult to care much about Wilson's struggles to move on when this is the first time we've really seen him dealing with the split, which took place months ago.

As usual, however, the best House quotes from the episode were at least reserved for the banter between these pals.

Taub, meanwhile, provided the most interesting storyline for the third consecutive week. He's nothing but a sad sack who has lost all self-confidence, but watching him interact with Foreman felt fresh. There's a fun, odd couple-like feel to this pairing and I'll take any change I can get on House.

I continue to look forward to each episode, but as I stated last week, the show can fall into a repetitive rut at times. This installment didn't try to mix things up in any way, but perhaps that's because House is saving itself for an upcoming episode that ought to be anything but the status quo.

You Must Remember This Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (28 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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House Season 7 Episode 12 Quotes

You're rapidly approaching end stage male spinster-ism.

House [to Wilson]

Masters: That makes no logical sense.
House: This is not a door to logical sense. Also, shut up.