Memphis Beat Review: "Inside Man"

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Memphis Beat brought the comedy on "Inside Man."

The episode centered on the apparent resurgence of the famed Fox Meadows Burglars, known for their swift robbery of wealthy residents of the swanky community who disappeared without a trace.

Dwight and Whitehead

Poised to have the case closed quickly and efficiently, the mayor issued a $50,000 reward that had the whole town clamoring to the MPD with information. In particular, there was Keith Grant, whose eccentric preoccupation with the Fox Meadows case - and even more eccentric personality - made him an enjoyable addition to the Memphis Beat regulars.

It was particularly effective of the writers to make Grant a character who Dwight and Whitehead had to appease in order to get access to his small library of notebooks, all filled with details and observations that were key to solving the case.

This made for some entertaining moments, not the least of which was his address to the department and his obvious affection for Lt. Rice. You could tell it was difficult for Dwight and Whitehead to tolerate the man's antics, but this viewer very much enjoyed them.

Grant didn't remain a snarky and unavoidable obstacle throughout the course of the case, however. Memphis Beat and its writers have a talent for making even the most minute of roles wrought with down-to-earth, raw back-stories that enhance their value not only to the show but to the city this program showcases.

It turned out Grant's obsession with Fox Meadows was the direct result of being a victim of a robbery himself. It landed him in the hospital, the culprits were never caught and he eventually lost his wife as a result of his obsession. Ouch! This information immediately gave him depth. You felt a little sorry for the man.

Other memorable moments from the episode included LT. Rice's fatal mistake as she addressed the wealthy homeowners of Fox Meadows about the burglary investigation. All it took was a smile, employed at Whitehead's suggestion, to turn them into angry mob thinking she didn't take the situation seriously. A fun, subtle moment.

I also loved Grant's use of social media to attain Shane's social and pop culture connections, likening his girlfriend to Amy Adams somewhere in between Enchanted and The Fighter. (Both very good movies, BTW.)

We also had Dwight handcuffing Grant to the squad car, only for him to save both Dwight and Whitehead at the storage facility where all the stolen goods were housed. Turning the radio up with his toe through the open window was an intense and entertaining demonstration of gymnastics.

This week's episode took a more lighthearted tone, showcasing the range the series has to offer, and Jason Lee's acoustic version of "When it All Comes Down" wasn't bad, either. His voice still amazes me even after a full season of his performances. Read through the best Memphis Beat quotes now and chime in with your thoughts!

Inside Man Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Dwight [referring to Whitehead's facial]: Is that why you've got that?
White: A smile? You ought to try it sometime Dwight.

White: That's exactly what this is, ought to give it a try.
Dwight: A facial? No thank you. I'll just keep mocking you for a while.