Californication Review: Man Pound

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As Mike Tyson once said, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

Well, Hank Moody's plan to turn down Samurai did not go as scripted, but somehow taking a punch from Peter Berg came across like a fitting moment in this week's "The Way of the Fist." Just like driving a Porsche with both headlights intact seemed out of character for Hank last episode, it didn't really feel like the season was under way until Hank got into fisticuffs with someone. 

Meeting with Samurai Apocalypse

Despite the fresh shiner, Hank still seemed off his game when he decided against telling Becca about Tyler's extra curricular activities at the club. The overly protective Hank has given Becca numerous reasons to hate him over the years, so why in this case would he care about hurting her one more time if it served to only benefit her in the end? My guess is he realized Tyler is a lot like him, after all, and just like he has been given numerous second chances by those he loves, perhaps Tyler deserved at least one, just in case he actually does care about Becca. 

I'm not sure any amount of parenting advice could have prepared Charlie for the news that little Stuart whipped out his Stuart Little in front of his classmate, but he did well in showing up at the offended girl's house armed with a heartfelt apology. Unfortunately for Charlie - but fortunately for us - the mother Allison didn't get her fill of the Runkle family by seeing Marcy at her gym and seduced Charlie into showing her his own notorious and well publicized "bar method."

As for Pamela Adlon, her scenes have been brief in these first two episodes, but she has made the most of them. I loved her during the parent/teacher conference, as well as Stephen Tobolowsky when he tried to get Marcy to tone down the cleavage on school grounds. 

Speaking of guns, if Kali and Hank don't want to see the business ends of Samurai's arsenal, they better turn down the PDA. Alas, it's only a matter of time before those two finish what they started at 30,000 feet. As Berg reminded us, Hank is no stranger to a little O.P.P.

I have to say I was thrilled with the aforementioned Friday Night Lights producer's cameo. Despite all the amazing work to his credit, I can never see him on screen and not think of Dexter Rutecki, so Hank's Aspen Extreme mention was one of the best moments of the episode in my mind. 

The music choices for this episode continued Californication's history of aptly chosen soundtracks and was capped off with a very fitting rendition of "Old Man" by James McCartney. Tyler is indeed a lot like Hank and no doubt has the same needs, which include the love of an amazing woman like Karen or Becca but also the need to quench a seemingly insatiable thirst for fornication. 

Becca loves her dad, but knowing the toll his actions have taken on her mother, it will be interesting to see if she ends up choosing a similar path by staying with Tyler. Until next time, check out some of the best quotes and "urban patois" from this week's episode. 

The Way of the Fist Review

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Californication Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

I'm not twelve, you can't bribe me anymore. Well you can, but you have to adjust for lifestyle and inflation.


Some girls are timid and lack focus, but you, you should be in porn.
