Shameless Review: Rock You Like A Hurricane

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Just like the woman at The Alibi said about Frank and Monica, "When they're good they're good." And when Monica is back, she is BACK. "Hurricane Monica" blew onto Shameless this week like a category five storm.

Unlike a category 5 storm, however, Monica actually seemed to do less damage than usual. For now at least...It was stressed throughout the episode that Monica is in fact bi-polar and she's off her medication. Combine her mental health with Frank, booze, and any amount of drugs and we will eventually be on a path to destruction. Oh and by "any amount of drugs" I'm including the fact that she and Frank rolled a joint with his mother's ashes in it. (Flashback to How High anyone?)

Karen and Lip

I know this is probably gross to some of you but I'm going to have to say it anyway, I actually like Frank and Monica together. They are each other's true loves, it's obvious. I mean they are both completely messed up lunatics, but they've clearly got the passion. They also have the history.

When they blew into the house after a night at The Alibi with their old friends and started grooving to a little "Earth, Wind & Fire," it just felt happy to me. I understand Fiona's anger that the kids had to be up for school, but Frank was actually right about one thing. You only get one mother and Fiona had her time with Monica, it's Debbie's turn. It was a moment Debbie will remember.

I'm not saying this is healthy by any means. But I don't come from a family where my mother peaced us for a woman named Bob. Who am I to say whether or not it's an essential experience for Debbie and Carl to bond with Monica? All I know is that Fiona can't shield them from everything and despite every action and maternal instinct, she is not actually their mother.

I was surprised to hear that Frank repeated catching Ian and Mickey to Monica. I suppose if he was going to tell anyone, it would her. Like I said before, they are twisted little soul mates! I love that Monica embraced Ian and took him to the gay club. Ian is old enough to know what to expect from Monica and to take her with a grain of salt, but it's nice that they had that bonding experience. Ian has barely had anyone to talk to about coming out.

Speaking of Ian and his preference for men, how surprised were you when Mandy and Mickey's father busted through the door and started wailing on him? Obviously we know the baby is Lip's as we recall them having sex the night of Debbie's sleepover. So is Lip now the baby-daddy to two young ladies on the Southside? I'm starting to think that Lip is not the father of Karen's baby. Was she going around and asking past sexual partners for money just to be a money grubbing ho? Or was that guy we saw actually the father? 

My prediction is that the baby is not Lip's and he's going to freak out when he finds out. Karen is psychotic, but she's his first love and he can't let go. Lest we forget that Karen is still married to Jody, who is now banging Sheila. Hello Mrs. Robinson! Those two have been giving off a sexual vibe for awhile now. Another sexual surprise that wasn't so shocking, Estefania is in love with a guy back in Brazil. How hilarious was Lip translating her phone sex online? 

Steve and Fiona need to get back together. I'm over the fighting. He's trying to repent, she is miserable without him. He also referenced Friday Night Lights and you know I am a sucker for that. Fiona needs to take that other club job she was offered because nobody should be picking up dirty condoms with cheetos stuck to them. That was vile. 

Overall this episode was more of a rollercoaster than a hurricane. Everyone was all over the place, several different storylines were running, but the Gallaghers know how to make chaos work. Now that Monica is back and Mandy's pregnant, we're sure to see things get even crazier! 

Hurricane Monica Review

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Shameless Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Ain't you the queen of silver linings!

Fiona [to Veronica]

Lip chose to leave this family, does that sound familiar?
