Chicago PD Round Table: A Big Risk

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With Burgess and Roman in peril, Chicago PD Season 2 Episode 15 was another solid hour of this ever-improving NBC drama.

Below, TV Fanatics Stacy Glanzman, Mary Kate Venedam, Doug Wolfe and Paul Dailly discuss whether Burgess should have gone for help, the presence of a potential stalker and why there wasn't any lasting effects on Platt after the events of Chicago PD Season 2 Episode 14.

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How did you feel about Burgess not running to get help?

Stacy: That was a dumb move. I get that she wanted to help Roman and she wasn't thinking straight, but she should have run back to the store and called for help before going in after him.

Mary Kate: Frustrated. She obviously felt she had to prove something, but going after armed guys without thinking about backup was not the best idea.

Doug: Probably wasn’t the best move but she had no idea what Roman’s status was. She’d have had to go a long way to get help, given that she had no phone. During that time he may have been killed. She had no idea. So she made the best decision she could. I applaud her for that.

Paul: This really grated on my nerves. It wasn't that long ago that she took a bullet. The gas station was literally 30 seconds from her. It would even have made sense for her to shout over to someone. 

Did this episode make you like Roman more?

Stacy: Not really. I'm kind of indifferent to Roman. I don't hate him but I also would not have cared if he died.

Mary Kate: Yes. I've never had anything against Roman, but this episode certainly made me like him more. I think it also made me like him as a member of the original Chicago PD crew.

Doug: Not really, but I’ll tell you what: I’m liking Platt a lot more as time goes by. So cool to see her in Burgess’ corner, being the first one to applaud her.

Paul: Yes. If he didn't have the knowledge about the collapsed lung to help Burgess, the two of them would probably be dead, as this helped buy them some time. I still don't like his attitude.

What did you think of the guy in the diner?

Stacy: He was a little creepy, but I don't think anything will come of it. I don't think he's going to start stalking her or anything.

Mary Kate: He totally wanted to ask out Burgess. He had a little too much interest in what she eats every morning.

Doug: I saw him only as a tool to get Burgess thinking about her life. He played the part well. He may have an interest in her, but she’s quite capable of shutting him down if he gets ideas.

Paul: He was so sketchy. I don't want him to be another stalker. We just got rid of one on Chicago Fire and it also looks like Celia could be one also. 

Is Burgess now ready to take on the job she declined a few weeks back?

Stacy: Probably, but Lindsay's back now so I assume she'd have to wait for another opening. I don't think she'll be promoted until next season at the earliest.

Mary Kate: Maybe, but I think her experience proved more that she's a good patrol cop. I can see her sticking with that for a while before she has a chance to go upstairs again.

Doug: I don’t think so. She was so concerned about being in a rut, but as it turns out - she’s living her life as a patrolman quite hard. I think this experience will prove to her that she made the right decision to hang back. In this episode she paid a lot of her dues – which is one of the reasons I think Platt respects her more. She’s where she needs to be.

Paul: I think if she was offered the post again, she would be in a much better position to make a decision. I'd like to see her take it, but it would probably mean another new character working with Roman, which wouldn't be entertaining. 

Were you annoyed that the writers didn't follow up on the affect that last week had on Platt and Olinsky?

Stacy: Not really, I didn't expect them to. I never know how much time passes between episodes so I'm assuming they've moved past it. I don't think it was necessary for it to be brought up again.

Mary Kate: Not really. I can see them approaching it another episode in the future. But, this episode was so good and thrilling that there was no room to put it in without taking away from the Burgess/Roman story. This was one of my favorite episodes of the season.

Doug: No. Neither of them seem the type to dwell too much in the past.

Paul: Kind of. I feel like a lot is happening to these characters, but then it's forgotten for a few weeks, or just skipped completely. Sure, the characters could be holding everything inside, but still, I like some continuity. 

Remember you can watch Chicago PD online, right here on TV Fanatic if you want to catch up on any of the drama. 

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Chicago PD Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

My partners been shot. We're leaving.


Ruzek: Sergeant, have you seen Burgess?
Platt: In the past, yes. In the present, no.