Shameless Season 5 Episode 11 Review: Drugs Actually

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With only one episode left this season, things are really starting to heat up in the Gallagher world. 

You can't begin talking about Shameless Season 5 Episode 11 without talking about the reappearance of Mama Gallagher herself, Monica. She was there for Ian and the two of them shared one of the saddest scenes of the season. 

But Ian and Monica weren't the only ones bringing the feels; there was also Bianca's downward spiral and the earnest scenes with Sean and Fiona. 

Frank Worries - Shameless

Monica's appearance was the number one thing for me this week. It was unexpected, yet now that I think about it, this season would have felt incomplete without her presence. 

It was hard not to ache for Ian as he sat in a room with his family and Mickey, listening to them rattle off all of the things he'd done and basically admitting he was a danger to himself and others. After hearing that, he called the one person he felt he could relate to and the one person who wouldn't look at him with judgment: 


There's always gonna be people that are going to try and fix us and you can never make those people happy, like it breaks their heart just to look at you.

Monica [to Ian]

There is a strong bond between Monica and Ian, but I hope Mickey and the family are able to appeal to Ian and get him to come home. It will be a tough road, but the Gallagher's children don't give up on one another. 

Hopefully, Mickey will be able to locate Ian next week if he doesn't go down for Sammi's murder!

Now I assumed there would be punishment for Sammi, but death? I didn't see that coming, nor did I like it. I was hoping she would pack up and just disappear into the night like Sheila and Mandy earlier this season. 

Mickey's cruelty and making Debbie an accomplice was just too much for me. I'm very interested to see how this sits with fans of the show, since Sammi is such a polarizing character. And how will Fiona and the rest feel when they find out? What becomes of Chuckie?

***UPDATE*** I watched a screener for this episode and didn't see the scene revealing Sammi is alive. What the heck is Sammi going to do now? Mickey and all the Gallagher's better watch their backs next week!

Speaking of Fiona, it looks like the love triangle will come to a head next week! It's pretty clear Sean is in love with Fiona, and Fiona has had feelings for Sean since the onset of the season.

They had their moment that Sean rebuffed and then the Gus and Jimmy/Steve/Jack debacle kind of pushed Sean to the outskirts, but he's back in a major way now and the chemistry between them is strong. It's just a shame the feelings Fiona brought Sean aren't very good for his sobriety. 

Frank and Bianca continued to hang out, buying more drugs and a $10,000 bottle of whiskey. 

Bianca: I'm not gonna be alive to pay off my credit card, what does it matter?
Frank: Such wisdom for one so young.

After Shameless Season 5 Episode 10, Frank agreed that he would never push Bianca to get treatment or tell her things were going to be okay. He didn't exactly do that this week, but he began to see that her destructive nature was becoming less fun and more dangerous. 

I want to like this storyline, I really do. Part of me likes the dynamic between Frank and Bianca, but another part of me just can't get invested in this. 

When Bianca said goodbye to Frank, I thought it was for good. Maybe we'd check in with her next week and see that she reconciled with her family and decided to seek treatment or she was able to get her family to see things from her perspective. 

Instead, it looks like we're going to Costa Rica? I don't know about this. 

I also don't know about Lip and his weird relationship with Helene and her husband. Doesn't it feel like something is going to happen here? Like things are just a little too perfect for Lip right now? 

It was an interesting scene when the Wallace's and Norbert came out to the car and met Kev and V. There was Lip, tie undone, cigarette in hand, smack in the middle of his old and new life. Lip gets further and further away from the south side, but he hasn't forgotten where he came from. 

Lip couldn't help but smile as he saw Kev and V together and I had to smile too. It's about time these two found their way back to one another. It took a busted pipe, some confessions and some strange foreplay for them to reconnect. 

They may still have some work to do, but it looks like they will be back to the Kev and V we've all come to know and love soon enough. 

What are you guys hoping to see in the finale next week? Will Ian be found? What will happen to Frank and Bianca in Costa Rica? Will Fiona chose between Gus and Sean? 

This episode was pretty nuts and there is a ton to discuss, so lets get to it in the comments!

Drugs Actually Review

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Whitney Evans is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is a lover of all things TV. Follow her on X.

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Shameless Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Family sucks ass!


Bianca: I'm not gonna be alive to pay off my credit card, what does it matter?
Frank: Such wisdom for one so young.