Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 20 Review: You Know Where to Find Me

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Goodbye Mills, we'll miss you.

Yes, as the promos for Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 20 teased, Mills departed Firehouse 51; but is it for good? Probably not. The door has been left wide open and that doesn't normally happen on this show, so if I go by that logic, he'll be back at some point.

I didn't expect him to leave. It looked like the hour was going to set up his departure and throw several obstacles in his way before deciding to stay on in his job. I get that he wants to be with his family, but he did go on about getting back on the squad for ages.

This shows that the guy puts his family first. His dinner with Rice was no doubt one of the deciding factors for him.

He has been a worthy addition to the show since his first episode way back in Chicago Fire Season 1, so I was a little sad to see him go. He clearly still holds a torch for Dawson and he hinted towards it early on in the hour when he said she should go with him. He made it look like it was jokingly, but he was being serious.

Then, after his party, he laid a big kiss on her and told her that if anything goes wrong in Chicago, he'll be waiting for her.

Dawson looked a little confused as he walked away from their moment. Does she have the same feelings, or are her feelings for Casey stronger? I have no clue.

Speaking of Casey and Dawson, they were hilarious together this week. The scene where she gave Casey his shirt back and told him that she washed it, explainimg her reasons for doing so was just so comical. It's not often these two have had fun together.

Dawson clearly spoke too soon about him giving her no special treatment, because it came back to bite her when she was told she was returning to work in the ambulance for a few days.

Hey what happened to you, did you get handsy with the guy on truck again?


Outside of his love life, Casey continued his work for the strip club. Eric Mabius' character just seems like he is going to be pure trouble. It will probably emerge that he is running some sort of illegal operation. It is interesting that Casey is taking on this extra work in a completely different field from his duties over at Firehouse 51.

The guy must be physically drained from all the life saving.

Casey: Hey, you guys wanna see some strippers?
Everyone: Yes.
Casey: Well you should have gone to a strip club. Come one.

Did anyone else think we'd seen the last of April? It was a shock when Severide showed up at the hospital and she was no longer on shift, but all of that faded away when we found out the real reason she was MIA. Given the drama that unfolded at the hospital on Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 19, I can't blame her.

She was back to the April I liked before the Chicago Med pilot. She and Severide have a lot of history and the fact that they've slept together now means she'll probably be popping back up whether Med goes to series or not, but let's face it, it's going to series. NBC is in dire straits and the Chicago shows are helping them in tough time slots.

The various accidents the team was called out to were gruesome to say the least. The guy impaled way above ground was most puzzling. It looked like a murder, but it turned out to be a suicide that dragged out for quite a long time.

"You Know Where To Find Me" was a solid episode of Chicago Fire. The show appears to be getting back on track as we approach the conclusion of Chicago Fire Season 3 and I couldn't be more pleased. The show works best when it has a balance between the accidents and more lighthearted moments.

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Were you going bananas wondering what the guy actually said? I was.
  • Rice really is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show. He really helped Mills decide what to do, without knowing he was helping.
  • Did anyone care for the storyline with Herrmann? Sure, it made for some funny moments in the bar, but it was obvious what was about to go down.

Remember you can watch Chicago Fire online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on the drama now!

What did you think of the episode? Were you sad to see Mills go? Is there any hope for him and Dawson? What's next? Hit the comments.

Note: Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 21 airs Tuesday April 28 at 10/9c on NBC.

You Know Where to Find Me Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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