Orange is the New Black Review: Cults, Paranoia, and Kosher Food!

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Some people are meant to blend into the crowd.

Others bide their time and wait until it's their moment. This statement could be attributed to Norma who has finally found her moment in the spotlight. It can also describe Lolly, who has taken a strong interest in Alex. 

On Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 7 and Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 8, the dynamics in the prison were changing faster than ever.

Norma - Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 7
Scared Alex - Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 8

I can't say I loved Norma's back story in "Tongue-Tied," but it made a lot of sense considering the temperament we've come to see in her. There was nothing surprising about being in a cult.

I certainly don't blame her for pushing that guy off a cliff.

I'm more curious about her mental state. Is she simply using the same techniques the cult leader used in order to get people to follow her? Or does she really believe she's a spiritual force? 

The best moment was when she stood up to Red and walked out. Red thinks she is a friend to Norma, but all she does is boss her around and make her give her massages. 

This may be boring to say, but the MCC storyline has been one of the most interesting this season. Caputo's frustration was rightly earned. The buffoons they hired are nowhere near ready to become correctional officers. What were the job requirements?

I guess working at a donut shop is enough experience. 

I'm not the biggest Piper fan, but her idea about selling the worn panties to creepy guys is so simple, but brilliant. 

We have captive women, and we have underwear. All we need to do is recruit a bunch of girls with super stinky tutus, and then figure out a way to get the used goods out there to the freaks who want them.


Unfortunately, Piper was too distracted in "Fear, and Other Smells" to see her girlfriend unraveling. Alex's paranoia was completely justified. 

I think we've all experienced that feeling when you sense someone is looking at you, and then you turn around and there they are. 

Lolly seemed to be everywhere and it made Alex uneasy.

Killers don't look like killers if they're good at their jobs.


Lolly is keeping detailed notes on Alex's daily routine. This development seems like a red herring, but if she hasn't been hired by Kubra to kill Alex, what is she doing?

Nothing new was presented in Alex's flashbacks, but they did make the audience aware of the fact that Kubra can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime. 

These two episodes were better served by their subplots than the main storylines. The kosher food scheme had me cracking up. With the awful new food being served, I don't blame the girls for turning to the kosher food.

Speaking from years of eating it at family events, kosher food can be pretty delicious. 

I have a feeling their ruse won't last long, especially now that the MCC has noticed more kosher meals being eaten.

Pearson: But how can there be, uh, this many Jews in here? I mean, who are the Jews?
Caputo: I know. It's confusing, right? We used to have them wear the Stars of David, but we had to stop doing that after World War II. I don't remember why.

The MCC is changing up everything up so fast, and Pearson is not being transparent enough. I have a feeling things are going to get worse between Caputo and Pearson.

The other subplot that was hands down my favorite was Crazy Eyes' erotic fiction taking the prison by storm. 

It's nice to see a win for Crazy Eyes, even if it was in the form of time traveling, space erotica. Watching the inmates anxious for the next chapter was hysterical. 

In baby drama news, Daya came clean to Mendez's mother. I still think she'll want the baby and, frankly, I think Daya would be better off giving it to her.

She seems really invested in taking care of Daya's child. I hope she tells George, because we need a cameo from Pornstache in prison! 

Other Thoughts

  • Piper's speech to the girls about selling their panties was pretty damn funny.
  • Charlie and Pennsatucky's newfound friendship left me feeling weird and uncomfortable.
  • Sophia and Gloria are having a lot of frustrations with their sons. I don't want them to turn against each other.
  • Will Black Cindy be able to use Woody Allen to convince the MCC she's Jewish? 

Tongue-Tied Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Orange is the New Black Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

We have captive women, and we have underwear. All we need to do is recruit a bunch of girls with super stinky tutus, and then figure out a way to get the used goods out there to the freaks who want them.


I'm going for the Jewish experience. You feel me? Get all cultural on them, should be mad convincing. Man, I need some, like… Seinfeld episodes. Oh! Ka-ching! Check it out! Woody fucking Allen. Now, that's some Jew shit right there.

Black Cindy