Voight Leads Anna-tall - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16

Voight tires to lead Anna through her EScano undercover assignment as best as he can and takes risk.

Burgwater Ahead -tall - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16

Burgess and Atwater take the lead to enter a crime scene with the unit on an all new Chicago PD

Staking Out Escano -tall - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16

Burgess is staking out Escano and checking on Anna but we don't know where she left things with Adam.

Catching Escano-tall - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16

Voight is determined to take down Escano no matter the cost and it seriously affects Anna on Chicago PD

Catching Escano - Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16

Voight is determined to bring down Escano by any means necessary which is starting to put Anna at risk.

Finding a Connection - Chicago PD

The team looks for a connection between a shooting and a bakery owner on Chicago PD. "Closer" is the 16th episode of the show's ninth season.

Chicago PD Season 9 Episode 16 Quotes

Hailey: You like her now?
Halstead: No.
Hailey: Yeah, you like her now.

Anna: OK, we do that. How do we build the case?
Anna: You get closer.