Wishing for Puckerman

Lauren had one simple request for Santa: Puck. Look for her to get her wish on season two of Glee.

Caroling on Glee

Ready for A Very Glee Christmas? Mercedes leads the group in this carol.

Reaching for a Star

Reach for the stars, Santana and Finn. Always reach for those stars.

Presenting a Present

Do you find Will's affection for Emma to be cute? Or kinda creepy?

Wemma Photo

Will Emma and Will ever get together? The former's marriage to Carl has thrown up quite the obstacle.

Secret Santa Time!

Who doesn't love a game of Secret Santa? The William McKinley teachers will play this on the show's Christmas episode.

Glee Christmas Scene

It's a Glee Christmas, folks. Actually, correction: It's a VERY Glee Christmas!

Glee Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Brittany: Remember: even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.

Last year I left my stocking up over Christmas vacation and an entire family of mice starting living in it. Their Christmas gift to each other was rabies.
