Charlie Wanders In

Charlie wanders into Judith's room while looking for the drugged up Herb. Of course, Judith makes Charlie be her breathing coach.

Checking in Judith

Who else would a pregnant Judith arrive the hospital besides her husband, Herb, her ex-husband, Alan, and her ex-brother-in-law, Charlie. Makes sense to us!

Herb Wheels Juidth

Herb (Ryan Stiles) tries to be a good husband and wheel his pregnant wife while on a broken foot. This, of course, results in hilarious disaster.

Alan and Melissa Kissing

Alan finds his way back to his former receptionist / lover when he runs into her at the hospital while bringing a pregnant Judith there.

Charlie Coaches Judith

Due to a bizarre twist of fate, Charlie ends up being Judith's breathing coach while she delivers a baby that might be Alan's.

Two and a Half Men Season 6 Episode 24 Quotes

Charlie: Alan, smack your kid for me
Alan: Should we really risk more brain damage?
Jake: Thanks for sticking up for me

Herb: Slipping in Judith's amniotic fluids. This will be funny one day
Charlie: It's pretty funny right now, Herb