Betty: These are some of my friends...
Amanda: Just because we're sharing an elevator doesn't mean we're friend

Amanda: Ground rules: Stop with the chatty, don't stand so close to me, and no one eats the grilled cheese
Betty: She's eating one
Marc: Of course fat carol is eating one, what did you expect?

Daniel: Maybe we could both dress up on Monday...
Amanda: I think he meant natural fibers sweetie

We missed you at the party last night. What, was there a sale at the 99 cent store?

Don't you look... sweaty

Natalie: You can't fire that wonderful assistant of yours
Amanda: Oh yes he can!

I'm telling you, you're gonna get [the book] back and it's going to have chimichurri sauce all over it

Daniel: She took the book home to her house last night
Amanda: To queens? eww!

If that showerhead could pay my bills i would marry it.

Betty: Anything else you need me to do?
Amanda: Keep working. A little overtime and you can afford invisaligns

Amanda: Are you trying to suffocate us with that putrid smell?
Betty: They're empanadas

She's so fabulously douchey.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.