Fry: Wait, Bender. Bender?
Bender: (sleep-talking) Kill all humans... kill all humans... must kill all the humans.
Fry: Bender, wake up!
Bender: I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it.

I thought they were selfish, but in the end, it turns out it was I who thought they were selfish.

Farnsworth: Bender, you won't believe this, but the empathy chip burned out. The emotion you felt for Nibbler was actually your own.
Fry: Looks like Bender learned an important lesson about respecting other people's feelings after all.
Farnsworth: No, I'm wrong. The empathy chip was running at triple capacity.
Bender: And I still barely felt anything. Good night, losers!

Referee: Presenting Bender the Offender!
Bender: I'm just an ex-con trying to go straight and get my kids back.

If you hate intolerance and being punched in the face by me, please support Proposition Infinity.

Preacherbot: The path to robot hell is paved with human flesh.
Bender: Neat.

Leela: What do you feed him?
Bender: What comes out one end we feed to the other. Also, Indian food.

Fry: Great! He's whacked out on electricity again.
Bender: No, I'm whacked out on life. My friends, I found religion.
Fry: Religion? Is this another scam to get free yarmulkes?

Not enough room? My place is two cubic meters, and we only take up 1.5 cubic meters. We've got room for a whole another two thirds of a person!

Fry: You OK, Bender?
Bender: None of your business! Get off my back!

Fry: She seems a little old for me.
Bender: She is well-travelled. And I don't mean she travels a lot!

Fry: Is it weird if I talk about his crazy turtle penis?
Bender: No.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!